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What is the average rent for a share house in Tokyo? Introducing recommended properties

Last Modified:2023.12.17



Some people who are considering a share house as a place to move to may wonder, "How much is the average rent for a share house in Tokyo?"
Even within Tokyo's 23 wards, market prices vary depending on the area.

In this article, we will introduce the average rent price of share houses in Tokyo's 23 wards, ways to keep the rent low, and comparisons with rental properties.
If you are thinking of living in a reasonably priced and comfortable share house, please check it out.

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Rent prices for share houses and rental properties in Tokyo's 23 wards

The market rent prices for share houses in Tokyo's 23 wards are arranged as follows.
For comparison, we have also posted the rent prices for common rental properties next to it.

The type of room is a private room in a shared house, and a studio in a rental property.

Rent prices for share houses and rental properties in Tokyo's 23 wards (*separately, common area fees, management fees, etc. will be charged)

23 wards Shared house rent market price (lowest to lowest) Rental market price of rental properties
Katsushika Approximately 39,800 yen Approximately 67,000 yen
Adachi Ward Approximately 39,800 yen Approximately 69,000 yen
Kita Ward Approximately 40,000 yen Approximately 81,000 yen
Arakawa Approximately 40,800 yen Approximately 79,000 yen
Edogawa Ward Approximately 41,200 yen Approximately 68,000 yen
Nerima Ward Approximately 42,800 yen Approximately 71,000 yen
Toshima ward Approximately 43,400 yen Approximately 89,000 yen
Ota-ku Approximately 43,500 yen Approximately 82,000 yen
Nakano Approximately 44,600 yen Approximately 83,000 yen
Taito Approximately 45,000 yen Approximately 102,000 yen
Itabashi Ward Approximately 45,200 yen Approximately 76,000 yen
Sumida Ward Approximately 47,000 yen Approximately 92,000 yen
Setagaya Approximately 49,800 yen Approximately 87,000 yen
Koto Ward Approximately 50,000 yen Approximately 96,000 yen
Suginami Approximately 52,000 yen Approximately 79,000 yen
Bunkyo Ward Approximately 53,600 yen Approximately 97,000 yen
Shinjuku ward Approximately 54,200 yen Approximately 99,000 yen
Shibuya Ward Approximately 55,000 yen Approximately 119,000 yen
Chiyoda Ward Approximately 55,000 yen Approximately 120,000 yen
Shinagawa Ward Approximately 56,400 yen Approximately 96,000 yen
Meguro Approximately 62,800 yen Approximately 105,000 yen
Chuo-ku Approximately 64,000 yen Approximately 110,000 yen
Minato-ku Approximately 66,000 yen Approximately 125,000 yen
average Approximately 49,213 yen Approximately 90,957 yen

The average rent price above is approximately 49,213 yen.
The cheapest rents in Tokyo's 23 wards are Katsushika Ward and Adachi Ward, at approximately 39,800 yen, and the highest rents are in Minato Ward, at approximately 66,000 yen.

Rent tends to be cheaper as you move away from the city center, but even within the same ward, market prices vary depending on the area.
It's a good idea to keep in mind the market rent prices in the area you want to live in.

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Which is cheaper: a rental property or a shared house?

Which is cheaper: a regular rental property or a shared house?
In the table above, you can see that the rent for rental properties is quite high compared to the rent for shared houses.

The average market rent for a rental property is approximately 90,957 yen, which is about twice the market rent for a shared house.
The lowest rent was in Katsushika Ward, which is the same as the share house, at about 67,000 yen, and the highest rent was in Minato Ward, which is also the same as the share house, at 125,000 yen.

Even within the 23 wards, if you want to move to an area with higher rents, choosing a shared house will be cheaper than living in a rental property.

If you are unsure whether to rent a property or live in a shared house, please refer to these prices and find a property that suits your budget and wishes.

3 ways to live cheaply in a share house in Tokyo

Some of you may have thought that the rent prices in the area you wanted to live in were higher than you expected.
Even though the rent is cheaper than a rental property, prices are high in Tokyo, so you want to keep the rent as low as possible.
Here we will introduce three ways to live cheaply in a share house in Tokyo.

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Method 1: Choose a share house in an area where rent is cheap

The first method is to look for a shared house in an area where the rent is lower than average.

Rent prices in Tokyo vary depending on the area.
Downtown areas such as Katsushika Ward and Adachi Ward have many properties with low rent and comfortable living.
There are green riverbeds along the Arakawa and Edogawa rivers, where you can spend a relaxing time, and there are also plenty of commercial facilities.

Method 2: Find a small share house

Choosing a small shared house with the minimum necessary facilities can also help reduce rent.

Some share house companies offer properties that are fully equipped with facilities such as gyms, cafes, and work spaces.
If you want to keep the rent as low as possible, exclude shared houses that have these kinds of facilities from your options.

There are many small-scale share houses that are equipped with all the facilities you need for daily life and that allow you to live comfortably.

Method 3: Choose a reasonable room type

There are ways to reduce your rent by choosing the type of room in your share house.
There are mainly three types of rooms in share houses, each with a different rental price.

Rent price by room type (lowest first)
(*Separately, common service fees, management fees, etc. will be incurred)

room type Rent market price
dormitory Approximately 29,800 yen
semi-private Approximately 34,800 yen
Private room Approximately 43,300 yen

Dormitories have the cheapest rent.
In a dormitory, you will live together with multiple people in a room with several bunk beds.
The beds are separated by curtains, and some are equipped with outlets, storage space, and a clothesline.

The next most affordable room is a semi-private room.
This is also a shared room, but since each room is separated by a partition, it is easier to secure a private space than in a dormitory, and the usable space is also larger.

If you choose one of the room types, you will be able to reduce your rent considerably.

Three things to keep in mind when choosing a share house in Tokyo

Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a share house.

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Points to note: 1. Be careful of properties whose rent is too low.

Some share houses have rents ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 yen, but you should be careful about properties that are too cheap.
One of the reasons why the rent is low is that the management company of the share house is not well managed.

In general, the management company cleans the spaces shared by residents, such as baths, toilets, kitchens, and living rooms, and replenishes daily necessities.
In addition, staff members conduct regular patrols to prevent trouble between residents.
In the case of a shared house where the rent is too low, these things may not be managed properly.

Before moving into a share house, it is important to take a tour and check the sanitary conditions of the common spaces and whether there are any shortages of daily necessities.

XROSS HOUSE cleans the common areas once a week, replenishes common daily necessities, regularly patrols, and conducts fire safety inspections for all sharehouse properties.
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Points to note ② Make sure there are house rules in place.

Many share houses have house rules.
House rules are rules that must be followed when using common spaces.
Examples of rules include managing bath times on a schedule and prohibiting the use of washing machines late at night.

This is an essential element to avoid trouble between residents and live comfortably, so be sure to check with the person in charge before choosing a share house.
In the unlikely event that there is a resident who does not follow the house rules, you will want to find out what to do.
Ask if the management company's staff will intervene and deal with the problem quickly, and if they will respond quickly.

Points to note 3: Choose a share house that suits your goals and lifestyle

In order to have a comfortable stay in a shared house, be careful not to choose a property that does not suit your goals and lifestyle.

For example, if you find yourself in a situation where you want to actively interact with the residents, but your lifestyle doesn't suit you and you don't have a chance to talk, then there is no point in living in a shared house.
In order to find residents who follow the same lifestyle as you, we recommend a large share house with many residents.

If you're thinking, ``I want to take a quiet break in a private room on work days, but I also want to have dinner with someone,'' choosing a shared house with a small number of people may be a comfortable way to spend your time.

If you are unsure about what kind of residents are currently living there or whether any troubles have occurred, please ask the person in charge directly.

After checking the rent prices of share houses in Tokyo, let's look for a property where you can live comfortably and happily.

The average rent price for a share house in Tokyo is approximately 49,213 yen in the 23 wards.
The market price varies depending on the ward, so please use this as a reference when looking for a share house that suits your budget and goals.

Be careful of properties whose rent is too low.
Be sure to take a tour and check in advance whether the management company is managing the property properly and whether they are dealing with problems between residents.

XROSS HOUSE introduces many share houses with reasonable rent in Tokyo's 23 wards.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.
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