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What is a share house for freelancers? Explaining the benefits and things to be aware of!

Last Modified:2024.06.28

Choosing where to live is an important step towards success when working as a freelancer. Shared houses are gaining attention for their flexibility and cost-effectiveness. In this article, we will delve into the various benefits of shared houses for freelancers, the key points to consider when choosing, and provide information to help you find the best option for you. Please use this as a reference if you are considering a shared house as a freelancer.



Benefits of living in a share house for freelancers

Choosing where to live is an important point when working as a freelancer. Since there is no guarantee of a stable income, a flexible living environment is required.

A shared house is an ideal option to meet the needs of freelancers. Here are five specific benefits:

It's easy to pass the rental screening even if you're a freelancer

One of the problems freelancers face is the screening process when looking for a new place to live. In general rental properties, the requirement to provide regular proof of income and a guarantor is often a hurdle.

However, in the case of shared houses, it is easier for many freelancers to pass the screening process compared to general rental properties. This is mainly because there are many managers who understand the instability of income and the freedom of occupation, so even entrepreneurs and budding freelancers are easily accepted.

Shared houses place emphasis on the personality of the tenants and their ability to cooperate when living together, so it works to the advantage of freelancers not only in terms of income but also because their human qualities are valued.

Furthermore, there are many properties where you do not need to use a guarantor company, which relaxes the procedures and conditions required for moving in, making it easy to move suddenly or change your lifestyle based on a project. This will be a great support for freelancers taking on new challenges.

Costs can be kept low

For freelancers, it is important to keep fixed costs low. When it comes to housing, you want to keep costs down while still having a comfortable living space. This is where the benefits of a shared house become apparent.

Compared to regular rental properties, shared houses are attracting attention as an option that can significantly reduce fixed housing costs. Specifically, many shared houses have low initial costs.

Usually, when renting a property, initial costs such as a deposit, key money, and agent fees are often equivalent to several months' rent, but in a shared house, these costs are often unnecessary or minimal. This allows even budding freelancers with limited funds to reduce the financial burden of moving.

In addition, monthly rents are set lower than the surrounding market price, and utilities and internet fees are generally included in the rent as common area fees. This makes monthly expenses easy to predict, making it ideal for freelancers with unstable incomes.

Opportunity to interact with people from other industries

For freelancers, interaction with a diverse range of people is the key to opening the door to new ideas and business opportunities.

Share houses naturally create opportunities for such interaction by providing an environment where people of different professions can live together. In fact, living in a share house allows you to come into contact with people from various industries that you would not normally have the opportunity to meet.

For example, conversations with people with a wide variety of expertise, such as writers, designers, engineers, and even entrepreneurs and self-employed people, tend to generate stimulating ideas. This type of environment is a great opportunity to eliminate the sense of loneliness that is unique to freelancers and at the same time expand your professional network.

In a share house, it is not uncommon for casual interactions to begin in the shared lounge. You might even meet a housemate over coffee and chat to them, who will become your future business partner.

Living in a shared house also gives you more opportunities to learn new skills that can be useful in your freelance work. There is a lot to learn from people with different backgrounds, which will directly improve the quality of your work.

In this way, the shared house is not just a living space, but acts as an environment that fosters growth and development.

Allows for a working space outside of the living space

When working as a freelancer, a clear separation between your private and work space is an important factor in increasing productivity. Shared houses offer an advantageous environment in this regard.

Many share houses have shared lounges and cafe-style workspaces that are open to all residents. These spaces are the perfect place for residents to relax and get work done, especially on those days when they can't focus on work at home or when they want inspiration in a different environment.

In addition, shared spaces often have Wi-Fi connections and monitors and other work equipment, making it possible to have a comfortable working environment without the cost of going to a cafe. This directly translates into time and cost savings for freelancers who frequently work outside.

Moving to a property with furniture and appliances is easy

As a freelancer, you may have the flexibility to move around a lot, and in this case, you want to minimize the hassle of moving.

Shared houses that already come equipped with furniture and appliances offer a major advantage in this regard. With a property that already comes equipped with furniture and appliances, there is no need to purchase and transport heavy appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and microwaves. This allows freelancers to make a quick and smooth transition to a new home.

In addition, cooking utensils and tableware are often provided for sharing in shared houses, so there is no need for individuals to prepare them. This significantly reduces the amount of luggage required when moving, and also cuts down on initial costs, making it easier to adapt to a new place. This convenience is valuable for freelancers who move frequently.

Characteristics of freelancers who are not suited to living in a shared house

Despite the many benefits that shared housing offers, it may not be the best option for all freelancers. For individuals with certain lifestyles and personality traits, a shared house environment may not be a good fit. Here are some characteristics of freelancers for whom shared housing is not recommended.

People who like to spend time alone

Freelance work offers the opportunity to enjoy free time, but often requires privacy and quiet. For those who value time alone, living in a shared house is not necessarily the best option. In a shared house, you are constantly aware of the presence of other residents, making it difficult to have your own space. In particular, social activities in common areas are unavoidable, so it may not be suitable for those who find interacting with others stressful.

In addition, shared houses may not have sufficient soundproofing, and the sounds of other residents' daily lives can be a major obstacle to concentrating on your work. If you value your alone time and would like to work in a quiet environment, we recommend choosing a living environment that offers more privacy than a shared house.

Those who cannot follow the rules and usage of shared facilities

Even if you choose to work freely as a freelancer, you will still have to follow certain rules when living together in a shared house. There are clear rules for using the shared facilities that all residents must follow.

This includes kitchen cleaning rules, bathroom usage times, and even noise regulations. For those who find it difficult to follow these shared rules, a shared house environment can be a source of stress.

Those who live a life where day and night are reversed

For freelancers who lead a reversed day-night lifestyle, a shared house is not necessarily the best option, as most shared house residents have a standard daytime activity schedule.

For this reason, by the time someone with a nocturnal lifestyle starts to become active, the other residents are often already in bed, and the noise of their daily life can disturb the rest of the other residents.

In addition, there are often restrictions on the use of shared facilities and working spaces in share houses, which can be inconvenient for people who are active late at night or early in the morning. Being restricted by the times when you are most productive may reduce your work efficiency.

To avoid this situation, freelancers who lead a reversed day and night lifestyle should carefully check the living rhythm and details of the available facilities in advance when choosing a share house, and choose an environment that suits their lifestyle.

Things to note when using a share house

Shared houses offer many benefits to freelancers, but in order to make the most of them, you need to be aware of a few things before moving in. By checking and understanding the points below in advance, you can start living in a shared house more comfortably and effectively.

Be aware of the rules of the property and basic etiquette for communal living

Living in a share house is a place where individual freedom and communal living are sought in harmony. Even those who have the freedom to work as freelancers are expected to follow certain rules and manners in a shared living space.

Depending on the property, there may be specific rules such as "bath time restrictions" and "nighttime noise management," which are important rules to prevent trouble with other tenants. It is essential to thoroughly check these rules before moving in and consider whether they can be adapted to your lifestyle.

In addition, in the shared spaces, daily manners, including cleaning, will determine the comfort of communal living, so observing these will be the foundation for building good relationships with other residents. Avoiding self-centered behavior, such as using the kitchen late at night or talking loudly, and being considerate of others will lead to a happy life in a share house.

Check the size and facilities of the shared space in advance

For freelancers, the working environment directly affects productivity. Therefore, when choosing a share house, it is important to check in advance the size of the shared space and the level of facilities.

Appropriate shared spaces not only increase work efficiency, but also have a significant impact on comfortability. For example, a share house with a large lounge or multiple shared spaces provides an ideal environment when you can't concentrate on work in your private room or when you need a change of pace.

These spaces also usually have basic business amenities like Wi-Fi and printers, giving you easy access to the resources you need for your freelance work.

When choosing a property, it is important to look closely at not only the shared kitchen and bathroom facilities, but also the workspace environment, and choose a share house that suits your working style and lifestyle. This will be the foundation for a fulfilling freelance life. By gathering information in advance and actually viewing the property, you can make a choice you won't regret.

Check the furnishings and appliances

When freelancers choose a share house, the furnishings and appliances are important points to check. These amenities can greatly reduce the hassle of moving and initial costs, but the range of facilities provided varies depending on the property.

Some share houses only provide beds, while others are equipped with desks, chairs, refrigerators, and even washing machines. In order to work efficiently and live comfortably, it is essential to check in advance whether these facilities meet your needs. For example, if you do a lot of remote work, it is important to make sure that your workspace is equipped with an appropriate desk and chair.

You also need to consider how much the kitchen facilities will affect your daily meal preparations. When choosing a share house, it's important to check in detail how these facilities are actually provided before moving in and choose an environment that suits your lifestyle. This will be the key to having a satisfying share house life.

Check if the share house has many freelancers

When working as a freelancer, interacting with people in the same situation can be a great support. Therefore, when choosing a share house, make sure to check whether there are many freelance tenants. In a share house with many freelancers, it is easy to form a community where people can understand each other and provide each other with business advice and mental support.

Freelancers should choose share houses carefully

For freelancers, shared houses are an attractive option for living cost-effectively and flexibly. The ease of screening for tenants, low costs, places to socialize, a variety of work spaces, and the convenience of furnished furniture and appliances are all major advantages. However, they may not be suitable for people who value time alone, cannot follow the rules of sharing, or live a reversed day and night lifestyle. Choosing a shared house that suits your working style and lifestyle is the key to living a comfortable freelance life.

"Cross House" offers affordable share houses in popular areas. If you are interested in living in a share house, please feel free to contact us.