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What's in a shared house's kitchen? Here's a look at common facilities and sizes

Last Modified:2024.05.31

Share houses have a space called a "shared kitchen." In share houses, individual rooms do not have kitchens, and the kitchen is generally located in a place where residents gather. It is important to use the shared space with consideration so as not to develop into trouble between residents. In this article, we will explain the features of shared kitchens in share houses and the main rules for using them.



What is a shared kitchen in a share house?

A "shared kitchen" in a share house is a kitchen that is shared by multiple people. It is also called a shared kitchen, and it is not just a place to cook, but also plays an important role as a place for interaction.

During the time spent cooking and eating, you can casually talk to each other, share stories about your work, hobbies, values, etc., and inspire each other. The shared kitchen is one of the best places to deepen your connections in a share house, as it can be a place to forge new friendships and learn.

Features of a shared kitchen in a share house

Shared house kitchens have many differences from rental properties. Let's take a look at the features of shared house kitchens.

Large space

Unlike kitchens for single people, the shared kitchens in share houses are spacious enough that multiple people can stand there without feeling cramped. There are various styles of kitchen setup, but the most attractive is the "island kitchen" which has a large work space and allows everyone to enjoy cooking and eating together.

Cross House also has properties with island kitchens.

Island kitchen at " PAL Tama Plaza "

In rental properties, low-rent properties tend to have compact kitchens, which makes it difficult for some people to cook and reduces their motivation to cook. In a shared house, not only is there plenty of space to use, but residents can also cook together, which may increase their motivation to cook for themselves.

Cooking utensils are provided

Another feature of the shared kitchen in a share house is that it is fully equipped with cooking utensils such as pots, frying pans, and cutting boards. The size and number of pots will vary depending on the share house, but the utensils necessary for cooking are provided, so generally there is no need to bring them with you. There are no dishes or seasonings, so it would be best to purchase them when you move in so that you can start cooking right away.

Appliances are installed

Most apartments come equipped with home appliances such as refrigerators, kettles, rice cookers, and microwaves. As with cooking utensils, you don't have to buy your own, so you can move in light. Refrigerators are often large, but if you buy too much food, other tenants won't have enough space for food, so be careful not to buy too much.

Cleanliness is maintained

Generally, kitchens in share houses are regularly cleaned by professional cleaners or staff. This means that cleaning is less of a chore than living alone. If the kitchen is kept clean, you can cook comfortably at any time.

Please note that cleaning of the common areas is only provided as a support service, so you should basically leave them clean after use for the next person. In some share houses, residents take turns cleaning, so be sure to check the cleaning system in advance.

There are chairs and a table

Shared houses that have a living room are equipped with chairs and a table where you can eat. Most of the time, the table is large enough for several people to eat together, so you can lay out a lot of food. Several residents can gather together to eat.

Rules for using the shared kitchen in a share house

Any resident can enter the shared kitchen in a share house. Therefore, if you leave personal belongings there, there is a risk that they will be lost, so it is important for you to be careful and for other residents to check on each other.

Write names on food items stored in the refrigerator or in shared spaces

Be sure to write names on containers, plastic bottles, and food items you leave in the refrigerator or shared spaces. If you only write initials or first names, it may be difficult to tell who it is, or there may be people with the same name, so it is recommended to write it with the room number. If it's a hassle to write it every time, it may be convenient to make special stickers.

Keep any personally purchased cooking equipment in your own space

Share houses are fully equipped with pots and pans, but you can also bring in and use your own cooking utensils. However, if you leave them in the shared space after use, they can be a nuisance to others, and may be used without your knowledge. It is common to store them in your own room.

Clean up the dishes immediately

The shared kitchen in a share house is a place that everyone uses. If you leave used cooking utensils and dishes there, it will cause trouble for the next person to use. Therefore, in a share house's shared kitchen, it is good manners to clean up your washed dishes immediately. After washing, wipe off any water droplets and leave them ready to use at any time.

Do shared kitchens in share houses have overlapping usage times?

Now that you know a little about the shared kitchen in a share house, some people may wonder if the usage times overlap. In reality, the usage times rarely overlap between residents, so you can basically cook whenever you want. However, since not all residents have the same lifestyle, it won't be crowded when you want to use it.

If someone is using the kitchen, you can help cook and enjoy meals together, which is a unique way to use the kitchen in a shared house. It is rare for all residents to use the kitchen at the same time, so feel free to go to the shared kitchen whenever you like without worrying too much.

If you love cooking, we recommend a share house with a private room and kitchen

There are many different styles of share houses, some with a kitchen in the shared space, and some with private rooms with their own kitchens. If you like to cook and want to cook at your own pace, look for a share house that has a private room with a kitchen.

Be mindful of etiquette when using the shared kitchen in a share house

The shared kitchen in a share house is used by all residents. It is basically fully equipped with cooking utensils, so there is no need to buy everything from scratch. There are a few things to be careful about, such as bringing your own seasonings and washing them immediately after use, but the appeal of a shared kitchen is that you can enjoy cooking and eating together.

The share houses that Cross House introduces have kitchens equipped with cooking utensils. The type of kitchen varies depending on the property, such as induction or gas stove, so please choose a property with a kitchen that you like.