• About share house

Introducing the benefits of living in a share house and how to choose one

Last Modified:2024.01.05

Some people may want to live in a Share house, but would like to know what kind of benefits there are. In this article, we will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of Share house, and how to choose one.


There may be some people who are interested in a Share house but would like to know in advance what kind of benefits it has. Living alone has different charms, so it is important to understand the benefits when comparing each option.

In this article, we will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of living in a Share house, as well as how to choose a property. If you are thinking about moving into a Share house, please refer to this page.

What is a Share house?

A Share house is a rental housing where multiple people live in a single residence, sharing common areas other than private rooms. Common areas mainly refer to the Living room, toilet, kitchen, Bathroom, etc.

Because they are rental housing, Share house often have management companies and managers who are in charge of operating and managing the Share house.

Similar to Share house, guest houses and room shares also refer to ``multiple people staying in one residence''. The differences between a Share house and a guest house/room share are as follows.

  • ● A guest house is a form of accommodation facility.
  • ● In room sharing, there are fewer people sharing than in a Share house.
  • ● When sharing a room, there may be no common areas.

    A Share house is not a form of accommodation like a guest house, but a form of moving in for a fixed contract period. In addition, the rent tends to be cheaper because more people are sharing the room than when sharing a room.

    There is also a type of Share house called a ``concept-type Share house,'' where residents live together with common goals and aspirations. There are three main types of concept Share house:

    • ● Interaction purpose type
    • ● Shared purpose/hobby type
    • ● International exchange type

    Interaction purpose type

    A Share house is a place where residents come together for the purpose of socializing and living together. Table game events, movie viewing events, barbecues, and other events are actively planned to allow residents to interact with each other.

    You can have fun with the residents who like to interact with each other, so it is recommended for people who like talking to people, people who like events, and people who value interaction between residents.

    Shared purpose/hobby type

    There are also Share house Share house where residents with the same purpose or hobbies come together to live together. In the case of Share house that share a purpose/hobby, one of the characteristics is that they are equipped with facilities that allow you to enjoy your hobbies.

    For example, if you live in a Share house with people who enjoy music, there may be a soundproof room for performances. In this way, the advantage is that you can not only enjoy hobbies with other residents, but also live in a property that has added value. If you have a hobby that you're passionate about, you might want to look for a Share house where you can share your goals and hobbies.

    International exchange type

    Share house are open to residents of any nationality and are intended for international exchange.

    There is a wide variety of properties, including properties that are managed to maintain a balanced nationality profile and properties that accept many international students. Since the purpose is to promote international exchange, cross-cultural exchange events are often held at international share Share house.

    Many of our residents are interested in studying languages, and there are many opportunities to converse in the common areas. In this kind of international exchange type Share house, you can have an experience similar to studying abroad while staying in Japan.

    Advantages of living in a Share house

    Let's take a look at five benefits of living in a Share house.

    Advantage 1: Lower registration fee and living costs

    The first advantage of living in a Share house is that you can reduce registration fee and living costs. This is because most Share house do not require deposits, key money, brokerage fees, or renewal fees.

    These costs, such as security deposits and key money, are often required when renting a rental condominium or apartment in Tokyo, so living in a Share house may be more cost-effective.

    Furthermore, in a Share house, one property is shared by multiple people, so the cost per person for rent, water/gas/utility costs, purchasing equipment, etc. is reduced.

    For these reasons, living in a Share house can reduce registration fee and living costs.

    Advantage 2: No need to prepare furniture or home appliances

    Another advantage of living in a Share house is that you don't need to provide the furniture and home appliances you need for daily life.

    This is because you already have everything you need in the common space of your Share house. For example, furniture includes a dining table, TV, sofa, and home appliances such as a refrigerator, Microwave, and washing machine. Additionally, supplies such as toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and garbage bags are available.

    From the above, compared to moving to a rented apartment, living in a Share house can save you money and hassle.

    Advantage 3: No need for electricity, water, or gas procedures

    Another advantage of a Share house is that you don't have to deal with electricity, water, or gas.

    The reason is that there are already people living in the Share house, and the operating company has already turned off these lifelines. Also, even when you move out of the Share house, the other residents will continue to live there, so there is no need to cancel your Lifeline contract.

    In this way, you can say that the appeal of a Share house is that you can skip various troublesome procedures.

    Advantage 4: You can build rich human relationships

    Another advantage of a Share house is that residents can easily communicate with each other and build rich relationships. There are many uncertainties when living alone, such as when living in a new place or when you become unwell.

    However, if you live in a Share house, you will be close to other residents, making it easier to ask questions and help each other in case of emergency.

    Furthermore, living in a Share house will increase your chances of meeting people of various ages, occupations, and nationalities, and will broaden your horizons. From the above, living in a Share house allows you to build rich relationships.

    Advantage 5: Easy to pass the entrance examination

    The last advantage of a Share house is that compared to a rental apartment, it is easier to pass the tenant screening and move in immediately.

    The reason why it is so easy to pass the screening is because in many cases, tenants are screened only by the management company of a Share house. Rental condominiums and apartments tend to be stricter than Share house because many organizations such as real estate companies, landlords, and guarantee companies are involved in screening residents.

    Furthermore, while rental apartments are designed to be lived in for a long period of time, in most Share house there is no fixed period of tenancy. Therefore, as long as you have the financial strength to pay the rent, there is a high possibility that you will be able to move into a Share house regardless of your occupation or employment type.

    Disadvantages of living in a Share house

    Here we will introduce three disadvantages of Share house.

    Disadvantage 1: Less private time

    The first disadvantage of a Share house is that you will have less private time. This is because people tend to gather in the kitchen, bathroom, and Living room, and there is always a chance to meet someone other than in a private room.

    Furthermore, the smaller the size of the Share house, the closer the communication between the residents will be. The reason is that each person's face and name match, and it is clear who lives in which room.

    On the other hand, the larger the scale, the harder it is to remember each other's faces and names, making it easier to maintain privacy. Therefore, if you want to live in a Share house while still maintaining your private time, it would be a good idea to choose a property that can accommodate 50 or more people.

    Disadvantage ② There is a possibility that the lifestyle rhythm does not match with the residents.

    Another disadvantage of living in a Share house is that your lifestyle may not match that of the residents, which can lead to stress. For example, each resident's wake-up time and return home time are different, so you may be woken up by the sound of another resident's alarm or footsteps even though you wish you were still asleep.

    Even if you are in the opposite position, you have to be careful every time so as not to wake up others. Therefore, the problem of not being able to match the lifestyle rhythm becomes a disadvantage of living in a Share house.

    In addition, some Share house have a concept where only residents of the same occupation come together and synchronize their lifestyles, so if you are interested, please check it out.

    Disadvantage ③ Trouble between residents may occur

    Another disadvantage of living in a Share house is that there may be trouble between residents. In most cases, there are rules in common spaces, but residents do not always follow them, and each resident has different common sense.

    Therefore, a slight misunderstanding or violation of manners can cause a rift in human relationships. If you do not choose a management company that properly handles these types of Share house problems, the problems may last for a long time, so be careful.

    In addition, at XROSS HOUSE , which operates a Share house , we have taken measures such as prohibiting the use of washing machines from midnight to 7 a.m. and installing reservation boards for shower rooms.

    How to eliminate the disadvantages of a Share house and live a life without failure

    The disadvantages of a Share house can be overcome by simply paying attention to the points you need to be aware of. There are three ways to eliminate the disadvantages of a Share house and live a life without failure.

    • Be sure to take a look inside before deciding to move in.
    • ● Compare multiple properties with plenty of time to compare and consider.
    • ● For women, women-only properties are also an option.

    Be sure to take a look inside before deciding to move in.

    Be sure to take a look at the Share house before deciding to move in. There are two points to look out for during the preview:
    • Livability of the property itself
    • Age group and attributes of residents

    In addition to the comfort of your private room, the ease of living in the common areas and the fullness of the facilities have a big impact on the ease of living.

    Also, the age group and attributes of the residents are important points when living together in a Share house. If you are close in age or have similar lifestyles, it will be easier to talk and live together.

    Compare multiple properties with plenty of time to compare and consider.

    When comparing and considering Share house, be sure to take your time and compare as many properties as possible. There are many types of Share house, and the attributes of management companies and residents vary widely.

    There may be properties that are perfect for you, and there may be properties that are not suitable at all. The only way to find a property that is comfortable for you is to actually see and compare as many properties as possible.

    Therefore, we recommend that you count backwards from when you want to move into a Share house and make sure you have enough time to compare and consider options.

    For women, women-only properties are also an option.

    If you are a woman, women-only properties may also be an option. Even though Share house have private rooms, both men and women live in the same house.

    Many women may feel anxious about living with a man. For such people, there are Share house properties exclusively for women.

    In women-only properties, only women have access to the common areas, so you can rest assured when taking a shower or doing laundry. Currently, the number of Share house properties exclusively for women is increasing. If you are interested, it would be a good idea to find out if there are properties in the area you want to live in.

    Let's choose the most suitable property after understanding the advantages and disadvantages of Share house.

    What did you think. Advantages of a Share house include lower registration fee and living costs, and the fact that you don't have to buy your own furniture and home appliances. Another advantage of living in a Share house is that residents can help each other and expand their network of contacts.

    On the other hand, one of the disadvantages of a Share house is trouble between residents, but if you choose a property run by a management company that will take good care of you, you won't have to worry about that much.

    XROSS HOUSE Co., Ltd. introduces properties in popular areas of Tokyo with rents starting at 30,000 yen. If you are looking for a reasonably priced, safe and comfortable Share house, please feel free to contact us.

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