• Introduction of living environment of each station

Let's live on the Keio Line/Keio New Line! Introducing the area you want to live in

Last Modified:2023.12.17



Basic information on the Keio Line and Keio New Line

Keio Line route information

congestion during rush hour 167% Satisfaction level ★★★☆☆
First train time Shinjuku Station: 5:29/Keio Hachioji Station: 4:42 Satisfaction level ★★★★☆
Last train time Shinjuku Station: 0:35/Keio Hachioji Station: 0:43 Satisfaction level ★★★★★
Number of rush hours Shinjuku Station: 1 every 2 to 5 minutes Keio Hachioji Station: 1 every 12 minutes Satisfaction level ★★★★☆

*For weekday schedules

Keio New Line route information

congestion during rush hour 167% Satisfaction level ★★★☆☆
First train time Shinjuku Station: 4:55/Sasazuka Station: 4:45 Satisfaction level ★★★★★
Last train time Shinjuku Station: 0:55/Sasazuka Station: 0:43 Satisfaction level ★★★★★
Number of rush hours Shinjuku Station: 1 train every 3-4 minutes Sasazuka Station: 1 train every 1-3 minutes Satisfaction level ★★★★★

Features of the Keio Line and Keio New Line

Keio Line and Keio New Line are convenient for accessing the city center

The Keio Line is a Keio Electric Railway line that connects Hachioji to Shinjuku.

The Keio New Line also operates between Sasazuka Station and Shinjuku Station, stopping at a total of 4 stations.

The unique feature is that you can access Shinjuku Station from the west side of Tokyo without changing trains.

Limited express and semi-limited express trains also operate, so it's convenient if you're in a hurry.

If you commute to work or school in the Shinjuku area, try searching for properties on the Keio Line.

Quote: http://jetmissilegatobuyo.fc2web.com/Univ/Keio.gif

There are many areas on the Keio Line and Keio New Line that are comfortable to live in.

The Keio Line and Keio New Line provide convenient access to the city center, but there are also many areas that are comfortable to live in.

For example, areas such as Hatagaya and Sasazuka are so quiet that even though they are close to Shinjuku, you won't believe they are in the center of the city.

The appeal of this area is that it is easy to commute to work and school in the city center while living in a typical atmosphere.

People looking for a comfortable area to live in also have many options if they are on the Keio Line or Keio New Line.

Quote: https://matome.naver.jp/odai/2144881011799701401/2145767568716956103
Quote: https://cowcamo.jp/magazine/column/Sasazuka_Sasazuka Bowl

Nature abounds on the Keio Line and Keio New Line

Another feature of the Keio Line and Keio New Line is that there are many areas rich in nature along the line.

Takahata Fudoson, located near Takahata Fudo Station, is known as a famous spot for hydrangeas and is visited by many people during the season.

Hirayama Castle Ruins Park is also famous as one of the best cherry blossom viewing spots in Tokyo.

It's great that you can easily access it when you suddenly want to experience nature.

Quote: http://sanpo01.lolipop.jp/sanpo/2008/tokyokinko/sanpo321.html
Quote: https://iko-yo.net/facilities/66

Ranking of the best 5 towns to live on the Keio Line/Keio New Line

1st place Meidaimae

Meidaimae is ranked number one in the ranking of the best places to live on the Keio Line and Keio New Line!

The Meidaimae area is known as an area where many students live, as there are many universities scattered around it.

There are many reasonably priced restaurants for students around the station, making it easy to eat out.

It's also close to areas such as Kichijoji and Shimokitazawa, so you won't have any trouble finding a place to go on your holidays.

Not only the Keio Line but also the Keio Inokashira Line is connected to the area, making it an area with both lifestyle and transportation options.

Quote: https://town.mec-h.com/mh-kyodo/81
Quote: https://note.mu/cohituji/n/nc7468479e4af

2nd place Chofu

Second place is Chofu!

In addition to the Keio Line, Chofu Station also has access to the Keio Sagamihara Line, which makes it possible to reach major stations in Tokyo within 30 minutes.

The area around the station is dotted with shopping streets such as Kamifuda Shoeikai and Chofu Hyakutengai, so you won't have any inconvenience when shopping.

There are also entertainment facilities such as movie theaters and karaoke near the station, so you won't have to worry about traveling far.

Recommended for people who want to live in a convenient town that is close to the city center.

Quote: https://www.ryutsuu.biz/report/j092703.html
Quote: https://www.enjoytokyo.jp/shopping/spot/l_00050256/

3rd place Seiseki Sakuragaoka

Seiseki Sakuragaoka is an area located in Tama City.

The Tama River flows nearby, and the townscape is characterized by its rich nature.

On the other hand, there is a large commercial facility called ``Seiseki Sakuragaoka Opa'' in front of the station, so there is no inconvenience in daily life.

Regarding transportation, there is no problem as it takes about 30 minutes to get to Shinjuku Station without changing trains.

This is perfect for people who want to live in a place surrounded by nature while still maintaining convenience.

Quote: https://note.mu/ittoshogu/n/nf5793dad6f1c
Quote: https://tama-inagi.goguynet.jp/2019/09/23/opa_seiseki_open_close/

4th place Hatagaya

Hatagaya is located two stations from Shinjuku Station.

Although it is close to Shinjuku, it is safe and the whole town is quiet.

There are also restaurants and supermarkets, making life very convenient.

Rent prices are much cheaper than in the Shinjuku area, so if you commute to Shinjuku for work or school, you may want to consider properties in the Hatagaya area.

Quote: https://blog.ieagent.jp/eria/hatagayahitorikurashi-42279
Quote: https://www.stepon.co.jp/townreport/hatsudai/

5th place Sasazuka

Sasazuka is also an area located close to Shinjuku Station.

Shinjuku Station is within walking distance or by bicycle, making it convenient not only for commuting to work or school, but also for going out on holidays.

The entire town is a quiet residential area, so it's a great place to live.

The number of crimes occurring is low, so you can live with peace of mind.

Like Hatagaya, please consider this if you frequently use Shinjuku Station.

Quote: https://offer.able.co.jp/oshieteagent/city/sasaduka-ease-of-live/
Quote: https://cowcamo.jp/magazine/column/Sasazuka_Sasazuka Bowl

Staff chooses! Best 5 recommended stations

1st place Shinjuku Station

Number one is Shinjuku Station, one of the largest terminal stations in Japan!

Shinjuku Station has been recognized in the Guinness Book of Records for the number of passengers getting on and off in one day, and many people use it every day.

The number of commercial and entertainment facilities around the station is one of the best in Tokyo, making it a great place to spend a whole day.

On the other hand, it also has the face of a business district, with many companies' branch offices clustered in the west exit area.

Shinjuku, where many people gather, is truly an area that represents Tokyo.

Quote: https://suumo.jp/journal/2018/11/08/159834/
Quote: https://triipgo.com/34572

2nd place Takahatafudo Station

2nd place is Takahata Fudo Station!

Speaking of Takahata Fudo Station, it is also famous as the closest station to Takahata Fudoson.

Takahata Fudoson is also known as one of Japan's most famous spots for hydrangeas, and is visited by many people every June.

The precincts are very large, so it's perfect for strolling around on holidays.

Visit here when you want to enjoy nature or have a relaxing time.

Quote: https://iwalkedblog.com/?p=19030
Quote: http://park.tachikawaonline.jp/event/29_takahata_ajisai.htm

3rd place Ashikakoen Station

About a 15-minute walk from Ashikakoen Station is Rokakoshuen, which is also a metropolitan park.

This place used to be a residence, but now there is a children's park and field athletics, and many people visit it as a place to relax.

Another attraction is that you can enjoy the flowers of each season.

It's nice to visit with the whole family on the weekend.

Quote: https://town.mec-h.com/mh-kyodo/23
Quote: https://babykids.jp/roka-park-setagya

No. 4 Hirayamajou Koen Station

Hirayama Castle Ruins Park, which gives the station its name, is a bit far from the station at just 20 minutes on foot, but its appeal is that you can enjoy the rich nature that makes it hard to believe that you are in the city.

There is a height difference of about 30 meters within the park, and from the observation deck you can overlook the thicket that spreads throughout the grounds.

It is also known as a famous cherry blossom viewing spot, with approximately 200 Yoshino cherry trees blooming all at once in spring.

This is the spot you want to visit when you want to feel nature in Tokyo.

Quote: https://www.tamakyuryo.com/place/point/hirayama_joshi/
Quote: http://park.tachikawaonline.jp/park/38_hirayama.htm

No. 5 Fuchu Station

Although Fuchu Station is a little far from the city center, it is characterized by the fact that there are many shopping malls scattered around the station.

There are also restaurants and movie theaters, so it's a perfect place to go on a weekend.

The appeal of this area is that you can complete various errands without having to travel to central Tokyo such as Shinjuku or Ikebukuro.

Quote: https://sumaity.com/mansion_new/article/town_report/8855/

Recommended properties along the Keio Line and Keio New Line

Shared Apartment Daitabashi 2

Rent: 43,000 yen

Plaisir Minamidai (Hatagaya)

Furnished apartment rent from 74,000 yen

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