• Introduction of living environment of each station

Odakyu Line is convenient for going out! There are many comfortable areas to live in.

Last Modified:2023.12.17



Basic information about Odakyu Line

Odakyu Odawara Line route information

congestion during rush hour 151% Satisfaction level ★★★☆☆
First train time Odawara Station: 5:01/Shinjuku Station: 5:00 Satisfaction level ★★★★☆
Last train time Odawara Station: 0:03/Shinjuku Station: 0:53 Satisfaction level ★★★★☆
Number of rush hours Odawara Station: 1 train every 3-6 minutes Shinjuku Station: 1 train every 2-4 minutes Satisfaction level ★★★★★

*For weekday schedules

Characteristics of Odakyu Line

Odakyu Line is convenient for accessing the city center

The Odakyu Line is made up of three lines: the Odakyu Line, the Enoshima Line, and the Tama Line.

In addition to including Shinjuku Station, it also has direct service with the Chiyoda Line, making it convenient for access to various parts of Tokyo.

Another good point is that it is a route that continues from Kanagawa, making it easy for many people to use.

Quote: https://www.odakyu.jp/rail/

You can also access tourist spots using the Odakyu Line.

If you use the Odakyu Line, you can also access popular tourist destinations such as Katase Enoshima and Hakone Yumoto.

The Odakyu Line is also useful when traveling from the city center to these sightseeing spots.

If you live on the Odakyu Line, you won't have to worry about where to go on holidays.

Citation: https://www.travel.co.jp/guide/article/34890/
Quote: https://www.yukoyuko.net/onsen/0356

There are many livable areas on the Odakyu Line.

The Odakyu Line is convenient for accessing the city center and tourist spots, but there are also many areas along the line that are comfortable to live in.

For example, Shin-Yurigaoka and Sagami-Ono, both of which will be mentioned later, are well-developed and have a reputation for being a comfortable place to live.

There are also convenient downtown areas such as Machida, so we can meet all your needs.

If you are on the Odakyu Line, you should be able to easily find an area that suits your needs.

Quote: http://e-mytown.com/events/25257.html
Quote: https://www.ryutsuu.biz/store/l072220.html

Top 5 towns to live in on the Odakyu Line

1st place Shinyurigaoka

Shin-Yurigaoka is ranked number one in the ranking of the best places to live on the Odakyu Line!

The area around Shin-Yurigaoka has been redeveloped and is now a commuter town.

The area around the station is well-maintained, making it a comfortable place to stay.

Another great thing is that there is a movie theater near the station.

It takes about 25 minutes by train to Shinjuku, so transportation is very convenient.

It is an area with very high standards in terms of ease of living and convenient transportation.

Quote: https://kanagawa.itot.jp/shin-yurigaoka/169

2nd place Soshigaya Okura

2nd place is Soshigaya Okura!

Although it is less well-known than the surrounding area, it is attractive because it is popular and easy to live in.

The shopping streets are also abundant, and the area is so lively that it is filled with people all day long.

As for restaurants, there are many old-fashioned privately run stores.

It's also a good idea to find a store you like and visit it regularly.

It's a bit of a modest town, but once you start living there, you'll start to feel attached to it.

Quote: https://tokyo.itot.jp/soshigaya-okura/134

3rd place Mukogaoka Amusement Park

Mukogaoka Amusement Park is an area located on the prefectural border between Tokyo and Kanagawa.

It is popular because the rent is low and there are many choices of properties even on a limited budget.

There are also the Tamagawa River and Ikuta Green Area within walking distance, where you can be healed by the lush nature.

As for living, there are plenty of supermarkets and pharmacies around the station, so it's not an inconvenience.

Recommended for people who are looking for a comfortable area to live in on a low budget.

Quote: http://www.funkygoods.com/hai/mukougaoka/mk.html
Quote: https://www.walkerplus.com/spot/ar0314s77359/

4th place Sagami-Ono

Sagami-Ono is a commuter town in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Large commercial facilities are scattered around the station, making it convenient for shopping.

There is a wide variety of restaurants, from independently run restaurants to chain restaurants, so even people who often eat out will not get bored.

Also, since the Romance Car stops here, it has excellent access to Hakone and Odawara.

Although it is a little far from the city center, it is an attractive town that is easy to live in.

Quote: https://machida.keizai.biz/headline/2830/
Quote: http://tamagazou.machinami.net/sagamiono.htm

5th place Machida

Machida is a well-known downtown area.

There are many restaurants and izakayas around the station, so you won't have any trouble finding a place to eat out.

There are also large commercial facilities, making life extremely convenient.

However, the downside is that it is a bit noisy as it is a busy area.

This area is suitable for people who want to live in a lively place.

Quote: https://skyticket.jp/guide/22659
Quote: https://townphoto.net/tokyo/lite-machida.html

Staff chooses! Best 5 recommended stations

1st place Shinjuku Station

The number one place goes without saying: Shinjuku Station, a large terminal station!

Shinjuku Station is connected to major lines in Tokyo, and many people use it for commuting to work or school.

It is also the starting and ending station on the Odakyu Line.

If you go out towards the east exit, you will find a downtown area and large commercial facilities, perfect for killing time.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a station that represents Tokyo, and many people gather there.

Quote: https://suumo.jp/town/entry/2015/05/12/100000
Quote: https://chintai.mynavi.jp/contents/sumaioyakudachi/20170213/s870/

2nd place Shimokitazawa Station

2nd place is Shimokitazawa Station!

Speaking of Shimokitazawa, it is a popular area as a holiday spot.

Particularly famous are the stylish second-hand clothing stores scattered throughout the area, so much so that people come from far away to shop.

There are also many privately run general stores and stylish cafes, so you can have fun just walking around.

It's an area where you can enjoy things in a slightly different way than in central Tokyo areas such as Shinjuku and Shibuya.

Quote: https://www.fashion-press.net/news/27953

3rd place Tsurumaki Onsen Station

Tsurumaki Onsen is a small hot spring village, but it is a very popular area among hot spring fans.

It is characterized by a spring source that contains a lot of calcium, and is reputed to be highly effective against neuralgia and trauma.

It's close to Mt. Kobo, so it's a good place to visit on your way back from hiking.

If you're looking for a hot spring on the Odakyu Line, be sure to check it out.

Quote: https://www.odakyu-voice.jp/town/2013_09_townfile/

4th place Katase Enoshima Station

A short walk after getting off at Katase-Enoshima Station will see Enoshima's beach spread out in front of you.

Of course you can enjoy swimming on the beach in Enoshima, but sightseeing on Enoshima using the cable car is also popular.

Among them, Eshima Shrine is known as a power spot and is visited by many people throughout the year.

It is easily accessible from Tokyo using the Odakyu Line, so if you want to feel nature, you should definitely visit.

Quote: https://tabichannel.com/article/266/enoshima
Citation: https://www.travel.co.jp/guide/article/36857/

No. 5 Yomiuri Land-mae Station

Yomiuriland, which is also the name of the station, is a popular amusement park that is crowded with families and couples all day long.

It's easy to access from the city center, and it's appealing to be able to visit here on a casual basis.

In addition to the abundance of attractions, there are also many limited-time events held, so you can enjoy it no matter when you visit.

If you are having trouble finding a place to go on holiday, please visit us.

Quote: https://www.timeout.jp/tokyo/ja/attraction/Yomiuriland
Quote: https://www.oshihaku.jp/facility/00000085

Recommended properties along the Odakyucho Line

XROSS Tamagawa Gakuen 1

Rent from 30,000 yen

Shared Apartment Gotokuji 2 (Female Only)

Rent: 34,000 yen

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