• Introduction of living environment of each station

The Yurakucho Line has a lot of charm! Which area do you recommend?

Last Modified:2023.12.17



Basic information on the Yurakucho Line

Yurakucho Line route information

congestion during rush hour 163% Satisfaction level ★★★☆☆
First train time Shinkiba: 5:00/Wako City: 5:00 Satisfaction level ★★★★☆
Last train time Shinkiba: 0:08/Wako City: 0:07 Satisfaction level ★★★★☆
Number of rush hours Shinkiba: 1 train every 3 to 4 minutes Wako City: 1 train every 2 to 4 minutes Satisfaction level ★★★★★

*For weekday schedules

Characteristics of the Yurakucho Line

Yurakucho Line is convenient for commuting to work or school

The Yurakucho Line is a subway line that connects Shinkiba to Wako City.

It includes stations such as Ikebukuro and Iidabashi, which are convenient for transferring, so it has excellent access to other areas.

In addition, during rush hours for commuting to work or school, the train will arrive in about 2 minutes at the earliest, so you won't have to worry about the stress of waiting.

Moving to the Yurakucho Line will make your daily commute to work and school more convenient.

Quote: https://www.gakuseikaikan-tokyo.com/tokyo/estate/l28006/?lp_type=line&school_name=Vantan Design Institute&line_name=Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line&line_cd=28006&sort_type=3&p=2

There are many livable areas on the Yurakucho Line.

Not only is the Yurakucho Line convenient for commuting to work or school, but there are also many areas along the line that are comfortable to live in.

For example, areas such as Kotakemukohara and Kanamemachi, which will be mentioned later, are safe despite being close to the city center, and are extremely convenient for living.

The closer you are to Saitama, the cheaper the rent will be, so there are many options for properties.

Those looking for a comfortable area to live in should consider properties on the Yurakucho Line.

Quote: http://tamagazou.machinami.net/kanamecho.htm
Quote: https://blog.ieagent.jp/eria/kotakemukaiharalive-1511

New rolling stock will be introduced on the Yurakucho Line

The Yurakucho Line is scheduled to introduce a new model, the 17000 series, in 2020.

The new vehicles have wider seats and improved air conditioning capabilities, further improving ride comfort.

I'm already looking forward to the new Yurakucho Line.

Citation: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000646.000020053.html

Top 5 towns to live in on the Yurakucho Line

No. 1 Subway Narimasu

The number one place in the ranking of the best places to live on the Yurakucho Line is Narimasu Subway!

There are several shopping streets around Narimasu Subway Station, and the area is attractive for its good living environment.

In addition, despite the low rent market, all major stations in Tokyo can be accessed in about 30 minutes.

In addition, you can use not only the Yurakucho Line but also the Fukutoshin Line, so you can access many areas without changing trains.

It is a well-balanced area that is comfortable for anyone to live in.

Quote: http://travelstation.tokyo/station/kanto/tokyometro/yurakucho/chikatetsunarimasu.htm
Quote: http://how-narimasu.jugem.jp/?eid=99

2nd place Kotake Mukaihara

2nd place is Kotake Mukaihara!

The appeal of Kotake Mukohara is its easy access to the city center.

You can get to Ikebukuro in about 5 minutes by train, so feel free to go there.

Also, despite being close to the city center, the area is safe and the residential area as a whole is calm.

There are no problems with the living environment as there are supermarkets and pharmacies scattered throughout the area.

If you commute to work or school in the city center, consider the area around Kotake Mukaihara.

Quote: https://blog.ieagent.jp/eria/kotakemukaiharalive-1511
Quote: http://photozou.jp/photo/show/483585/252407139

3rd place Kaname town

Kaname-cho is an area one station next to Ikebukuro.

You can walk to Ikebukuro without using the train.

You won't have to go far by train when shopping.

Contrary to the lively Ikebukuro area, the Kanamemachi area is relatively calm, so it is also attractive that you can live a quiet life.

If you have a school or workplace in the Ikebukuro area, it will be convenient to move to the Kaname-cho area.

Quote: http://tamagazou.machinami.net/kanamecho.htm

4th place Wako City

Wako City is an area located in the southern part of Saitama Prefecture.

Wako-shi Station is the starting station on the Yurakucho Line, and is popular because it is easy to find a seat even during rush hours for commuting to work or school.

You will no longer have the stress of being crushed by crowded trains every day.

Although there are few recreational facilities near the station, there are all the facilities necessary for daily life such as supermarkets and pharmacies, so there is no inconvenience.

One option is to live around Wako City and commute to the city center for work or school.

Quote: https://www.goodrooms.jp/journal/?p=35538
Quote: http://saipo.net/11080028.html

5th place Iidabashi

Iidabashi Station is served not only by the Yurakucho Line, but also by the Chuo-Sobu Line, Tozai Line, and Toei Oedo Line.

The convenient point is that you can access anywhere without changing trains.

There are also plenty of restaurants and izakayas around the station, so you won't have to worry about where to eat out.

Although the rent market is a little high, the area is extremely comfortable to live in.

Quote: https://moving summary.com/estate-iidabashi/
Quote: https://townphoto.net/tokyo/iidabashi.html

Staff chooses! Best 5 recommended stations

No. 1 Ikebukuro Station

1st place is Ikebukuro Station!

Ikebukuro is full of stylish shopping centers and entertainment facilities, and has an established image as a town for young people.

On the other hand, there are also facilities that families can enjoy, such as Sunshine City, so people of all ages can have fun.

There are many restaurants, so you won't have to worry about finding a place to eat.

If you are unsure of where to go on holiday, this is the area that will be your first choice.

Quote: https://spi-ra.jp/shutoken/47115
Quote: https://sunshinecity.jp/facility/fountain.html

2nd place Tsukishima Station

2nd place is Tsukishima Station!

The charm of the Tsukishima area is definitely ``Monja''.

Tsukishima Monja Street, which runs from the front of the station, is lined with many famous monja shops and is crowded with people every day.

In addition to long-established stores, there are also many new and unique Monja stores, so you can enjoy it no matter how many times you visit.

Please visit this place when you are looking for a place to eat on the Yurakucho Line.

Quote: https://drivers-ginza.com/tsukishima/201609-tsukishima-monja/
Quote: https://play-life.jp/articles/1912

3rd place Toyosu Station

Speaking of Toyosu, the opening of Toyosu Market, which was relocated from Tsukiji, became a hot topic.

Toyosu Market has a variety of facilities for tourists, with popular spots that the whole family can enjoy, such as the Fisheries Wholesale Building Tour Gallery and the Tuna Auction Observation Deck.

There are also many sushi restaurants that have moved directly from Tsukiji to Toyosu, where you can enjoy authentic sushi.

It's also a great place for sightseeing and short outings.

Quote: https://haveagood.holiday/articles/437

No. 4 Yurakucho Station

While the area around Yurakucho Station is a business district, it is also dotted with many shopping centers and entertainment facilities.

There are even movie theaters and theaters, so you can spend a whole day here.

It is also conveniently accessible from other areas, making it convenient to visit anytime.

If you are having trouble finding a place to go on holiday, come visit us.

Quote: https://skyticket.jp/guide/28720

No. 5 Nagatacho Station

Speaking of Nagatacho Station, it is the closest station to the National Diet Building.

If you make a reservation, you can tour the inside of the National Diet Building, and it is also a tourist spot.

It's a popular spot for school trips and social studies field trips, but if you visit as an adult, you'll enjoy it from a different perspective.

The souvenirs sold exclusively at the National Diet Building are also popular.

It's a great spot to visit when you want to do some adult sightseeing.

Quote: https://skyticket.jp/guide/28864
Quote: https://matsuchiyo.hamazo.tv/e5086797.html

Recommended properties along the Yurakucho Line

Shared Apartment Hikawadai 1 (Women Only)

Rent from 35,000 yen

XROSS Kanamecho 4

Rent: 49,800 yen

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