• event information

♪♪ 3rd time! A Japan-Korea exchange meeting is scheduled to be held in March ♪♪

Last Modified:2018.01.18



Good evening~~~!

Sorry I made you wait! ! !

finally! ! !

3rd time! It has been decided that a Japan-Korea exchange event will be held o(`ω´ )o❤️

Yahoo ♡

Wow, I've kept you waiting for a long time.

The last time was in May last year...


Last time was also a great success. thank you!

The exact date hasn't been decided yet (it hasn't been decided yet), but it's scheduled for March 🌸

March is the season of encounters, isn't it?❣️

We hope to have another wonderful event, so please join us!

For further details on date, time, venue, and how to participate, etc.

We will inform you later on the blog etc. ❤️

Please wait for a while!



Well then!
