• Introduction of living environment of each station

Why is the Asakusa Line so popular? Introducing the area you want to live in

Last Modified:2023.12.17



Basic information about Asakusa Line

Asakusa Line route information

congestion during rush hour 129% Satisfaction level ★★★☆☆
First train time Nishi-Magome Station: 5:00/Oshiage Station: 5:00 Satisfaction level ★★★★☆
Last train time Nishi-Magome Station: 23:49/Oshiage Station: 0:22 Satisfaction level ★★★★☆
Number of rush hours Nishi-Magome Station: 1 train every 5 minutes Oshiage Station: 1 train every 2-3 minutes Satisfaction level ★★★★☆

*For weekday schedules

Characteristics of the Asakusa Line

Asakusa Line is convenient for commuting

The Asakusa Line is a Toei subway that connects Nishi-Magome Station to Oshiage Station.

It is unique in that it covers the stations closest to business districts such as Ningyocho, Nihonbashi, and Mita.

For people who work in these office districts, living on the Asakusa Line makes daily commuting convenient.

Additionally, the number of trains running is relatively high during rush hours, so you can get on the train smoothly.

Quote: https://www.kotsu.metro.tokyo.jp/subway/stops/popup_asakusa.html

There are many tourist spots on the Asakusa Line.

There are tourist spots such as Asakusa and Sky Tree on the Asakusa Line.

All sightseeing spots are just a few minutes walk from the station, so it can also be used as a base for access.

In fact, if you ride the Asakusa Line, you will often see tourists.

If you live on the Asakusa Line, you won't have to worry about where to go on holidays.

Quote: https://skyticket.jp/guide/20713
Citation: https://tabicoffret.com/article/76829/index.html

There are many areas on the Asakusa Line that are easy to live in.

The Asakusa Line is convenient for commuting and access to sightseeing spots, but there are actually many areas along the line that are comfortable to live in.

Togoshi and Nakanobe, which will be mentioned later, are relatively quiet towns, but they have lively shopping streets and are extremely convenient for living.

Honjo Azumabashi is an area close to tourist spots, but it is not crowded with people and is a quiet place to live.

If you are looking for a comfortable area to live in, consider properties on the Asakusa Line.

Quote: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/g-interview/entry/arimax/3982
Quote: https://blog.ieagent.jp/eria/nakanobusumiyasusa-5589

Top 5 towns to live in on the Asakusa Line

1st place Togoshi

Togoshi is the number one town on the Asakusa Line where you want to live!

In front of Togoshi Station, there is a huge shopping street "Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street" with a total length of more than 1 km.

Living here is extremely convenient as you can find everything you need for daily life just in the shopping district.

Another convenient point is that you can use not only Togoshi Station but also Togoshi Ginza Station and Togoshi Koen Station within a short walk.

It is an area where there are few inconveniences in terms of living and transportation.

Quote: https://travel.mynavi.jp/kanko/article/tky006_010/
Quote: https://www.machi-pita.com/station/detailStation.php?StationInfoID=169

2nd place Honjo Azumabashi

2nd place is Honjo Azumabashi!

Although the area is close to two tourist spots, Tokyo Sky Tree and Asakusa, it is far enough away from both that you can live quietly.

You can also do your shopping at Solamachi at Tokyo Skytree.

It would be a good idea to take a stroll around Asakusa on your days off.

The appeal of the area around Honjo Azumabashi is that you can enjoy the benefits of being close to tourist spots.

Quote: http://travelstation.tokyo/station/kanto/tokyo-m/asakusa/honjoazumabashi.htm
Quote: https://townphoto.net/tokyo/azumabashi.html

3rd place Nakanobu

Nakanobu is an area close to the city center, but it is characterized by a downtown atmosphere that overflows throughout the town.

The shopping street near the station is lively and convenient for shopping.

In terms of transportation, the great thing about it is that you can use the Oimachi Line in addition to the Asakusa Line.

It seems convenient not only for commuting but also for going out on holidays.

It is an attractive area where you can live conveniently while still having a downtown atmosphere.

Quote: http://travelstation.tokyo/station/kanto/tokyo-m/asakusa/honjoazumabashi.htm
Quote: https://townphoto.net/tokyo/azumabashi.html

4th place Nishimagome

Nishi-Magome Station is the starting and ending station on the Asakusa Line.

The Asakusa Line tends to be crowded on weekday mornings, but if you use Nishi-Magome Station, there is a good chance that you can commute to work or school while sitting.

There is no downtown area around the station, so it is quiet and calm.

Recommended for people who are looking for a quiet area to live in that is convenient for commuting to work or school.

Quote: https://nishimagome.link/2015/11/17/nishimagome/
Quote: https://moving summary.com/post-309/

No. 5 Ningyocho

The area around Ningyocho Station is a flourishing business district, but a little further away from the station is a quiet residential area.

The town as a whole is characterized by its good security, making it easy to live even for women and households with small children.

You can easily access other business districts such as Nihonbashi and Mita by train, making it a comfortable place for office workers and office workers to live.

Although the rent is a little high because it is located in the city center, it is a comfortable area for anyone to live in.

Quote: https://blog.ieagent.jp/eria/ningyousumiyasusa-5510

Staff chooses! Best 5 recommended stations

No. 1 Oshiage (Skytree-mae) Station

1st place is Oshiage Station!

With the opening of Tokyo Sky Tree, Oshiage Station was given the subtitle (Sky Tree).

The appeal of this property is that you can access the Tokyo Sky Tree within a few seconds on foot, making it an ideal base for sightseeing.

The appeal of the Tokyo Skytree is that you can enjoy shopping and eating at Solamachi without having to enter, and you can kill a whole day there.

If you are having trouble finding a place to go on holiday, come visit us.

Quote: https://thegate12.com/jp/spot/27
Quote: https://travel.spot-app.jp/tokyo_skytree/

2nd place Asakusa Station

2nd place is Asakusa Station!

Speaking of Asakusa, it goes without saying that it is a tourist destination that represents Tokyo.

Shopping courses that include sightseeing spots such as Kaminarimon and Sensoji, as well as Nakamise Street and the arcades are also popular.

The entire town retains the atmosphere of the Edo period, and you can enjoy it just by walking around.

This is an area where you can enjoy shopping, sightseeing, and other activities.

Quote: https://skyticket.jp/guide/20713

3rd place Shinbashi Station

Shinbashi is known as a town for office workers, but the pubs lined up under the arcades are also popular.

Not only office workers working in the Shinbashi area, but also many people from other areas come here just for the sake of the izakaya.

All of the izakayas are reasonably priced and easy to enter.

If you are looking for a place to drink on the Asakusa Line, please visit this place.

Quote: https://izakaya-good.jp/tokyo/shinbashi-izakaya/

4th place Nihonbashi Station

Nihonbashi is also known as a business district, but it is also a convenient area for shopping.

You can access large commercial facilities such as Takashimaya and Mitsukoshi directly from the station, so you can easily shop even on rainy days.

You can shop on your way home from work or school, or while changing trains.

Recommended if you are looking for a place to shop on the Asakusa Line.

Citation: https://www.tokyometro.jp/ginza/topics/20180531_177.html
Quote: https://www.akippa.com/akichan/pickup/nihombashimitsukoshi-access

No. 5 Higashi Ginza Station

Higashi Ginza Station is the closest station to Kabukiza.

On holidays, many tourists visit for Kabuki.

On the other hand, the abundance of restaurants is also attractive, and there are many reasonably priced restaurants lined up on the streets off the main street.

It's convenient to be able to finish your meal right after watching Kabuki.

Quote: https://tempoly.jp/magazine/storedevelopment/higashiginza-hanya/

Recommended properties along the Asakusa Line

Shared Apartment Magome 1 (Female Only)

Rent: 45,000 yen

XROSS Shinagawa 1

Rent from 32,000 yen

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