• About share house

What are share house events? Introducing realistic content and frequency of events

Last Modified:2023.12.17


Share house event

Some share houses hold events regularly.

Events are generally held between residents, so those who do not live in a share house may be concerned about the content of the events and how often they are held.

This time, we will explain the specific content, frequency, and participation fees of the events held at the share house.
If you are interested in sharing house events, please read until the end.

*Note: Although major events at XROSS HOUSE have been canceled due to the effects of the new coronavirus, we are holding various events such as summer barbecues, winter Christmas parties, Japan-Korea exchange meetings, and Japan-Taiwan exchange meetings. Ta. In this article, we will explain events at common share houses, including those of other companies.

If you are looking for a share house, please contact us on LINE. Add friend

Contents of events held at the share house

There is a wide variety of share house events, so here we will introduce the standard contents.

Examples of share house events

  • Welcome and farewell party

  • seasonal events

  • Resident birthday party

  • workshop

Many share houses that have events hold welcome and farewell parties.
For new residents, this is a great opportunity to get to know other residents.
It's also a reassuring event, as you get to know for the first time what kind of people live there.

Seasonal events include cherry blossom viewing, Halloween parties, and Christmas parties.

In addition to the basic events, unique events that reflect the hobbies of the residents may be held.
A typical example is a workshop.
For example, we hold workshops in a wide range of genres, such as workshops that teach you the basics of dance and workshops that teach you how to cook.

If you are looking for a share house, please contact us on LINE. Add friend

Advantages of participating in events held at a share house

Events at a share house are very important for deepening relationships with other residents.

Even though they live together, the daily rhythms of each resident are different.
Because our activities do not overlap, and some residents do not meet each other at all, the regularly held events are a valuable opportunity for interaction.

If you become friends through events, you'll be able to have a lively conversation when you meet in a common space, and it will be easier to ask for small requests in everyday life.

If you are looking for a share house, please contact us on LINE. Add friend

Disadvantages of participating in events held at a share house

Events held at shared houses are fun, but sometimes there are disadvantages as well.

For example, it is common to hear that people who participate in an event are unable to find the right time to leave and end up continuing to participate lazily.
If parties or dinner parties continue until late at night, there is a risk of complaints from neighboring residents.

When participating in an event, it is important to be considerate of those around you and to maintain your own pace.

Of course, some share house companies rent out restaurants and spaces outside the property for events, rather than inside the share house, so be sure to participate in events that suit you.

If you are looking for a share house, please contact us on LINE. Add friend

Q&A regarding events held at share houses

Share house event

From here, we will answer frequently asked questions about events at share houses.
If you are interested in the frequency, location, participation fee, etc., please refer to this.

How often is it held?

The frequency of events held at a share house cannot be generalized as it varies greatly depending on the property and the content of the event.

Generally speaking, this is held once a month, but sharehouses that are active in holding events may hold events such as dinner parties and workshops once a week.

When will it be held?

Share house events are mainly held on weekends.

The schedule makes it easy for even working people to participate, so why not take a break from the holidays by participating in the event?

Where will it be held?

The event may be held inside a share house or at a restaurant or space outside.

There are also events such as cherry blossom viewing, barbecues, and outdoor sports.

What is the participation fee?

Participation fees vary depending on the content of the event, but are usually around 500 to 1,000 yen.
Events sponsored by management companies may be free to attend or may be subsidized.

Can non-residents participate?

As a general rule, events held in the share house are for residents only.
On the other hand, if the event is held outside the premises of the share house, people other than the residents can often participate, so it is a chance to invite friends, lovers, etc. and have fun.

In addition, even if the property is normally closed to non-tenants, there are some properties that allow entry only during events.

Who is hosting it?

There are two types of events held at share houses: those held by the management company and those held by the residents.

Events sponsored by the management company include share house anniversary parties and seasonal events.
On the other hand, events held by residents themselves include welcome and farewell parties, birthday parties, workshops, and other events large and small.
If you are thinking about actively holding events, you may want to try planning a new event yourself.

Is participation required?

Participation in all events held at the share house is voluntary, so there is no problem if you do not participate if it is inconvenient.
If you want to deepen your relationship with the residents, please participate in moderation.

Participate in events at the share house and deepen your relationships with the residents

What did you think.

In addition to welcome and farewell parties and seasonal events, the share house holds unique events such as workshops that utilize hobbies.
The frequency of events depends on the share house and the content of the event, but it is generally held once a month.

Even though we live together, there are some residents that we don't see each other on a regular basis, so it's important to have a place for regular events where we can interact.
Participation is not compulsory, so why not enjoy a large party or workshop at a share house whenever you like?

XROSS HOUSE plans to gradually resume seasonal parties and international exchange events.
If you are looking for a share house to socialize, please contact us.
If you are looking for a share house, please contact us on LINE. Add friend