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Ranked #1 in the share house recommended site ranking!

Last Modified:2021.04.28


XROSS HOUSE has been ranked number one and received good reviews on a site that recommends share houses!

The first place came from a survey conducted by the room search blog "Rooch" targeting 100 people regarding the "most recently used share house search site" !

Thank you for giving us a 5 star overall rating !

It seems that they were especially satisfied with the low initial cost and low rent .

rooch screenshot

We have also summarized the features of XROSS HOUSE in an easy-to-understand manner, so please take a look.

Recommended site ranking for share houses

Another site called ``Moving Matome'' introduces XROSS HOUSE as a recommended share house.

Moving summary screenshot

We received a perfect score here as well. thank you!

For those who are considering a property! Please use it as a reference!

Share house reputation and reviews! Recommended sites and points to consider when choosing are revealed!