• About share house

What are the rules for Share house? Introducing common examples

Last Modified:2024.01.05

Share house have rules set by the management company and tenants. Even if you manage to move into your favorite Share house, you may feel stressed if the rules don't suit you. Therefore, in this article, we will introduce examples of common rules in Share house by location. We will also explain what will happen if you violate the rules, so if you are considering moving into a Share house, please read until the end.

What are the rules for Share house?

Share house rules, also known as ``house rules,'' are the rules for living in a Share house that are established by the management company and tenants. For example, house rules include cleaning duties and Bathroom usage times. In a Share house, residents of various ages, occupations, and nationalities live together, so house rules are necessary to prevent troubles between residents and to live comfortably.

Main rules for each Share house location

From here, we will introduce examples of common house rules in Share house by location, so please check to see if there are any inconveniences for you to live in. However, the house rules introduced below are just examples, so be sure to check the rules for that property before actually moving into a Share house.


Examples of house rules regarding how to use the entrance of a Share house include the following.

Example of house rules for the entrance

  • ● Do not leave shoes at the entrance; store them in a shoe rack.
  • ● Limit the number of shoes that can be placed in the shoe rack to 5 per person.
  • ● Store your umbrella in the designated place.

In general, residents are not allowed to place their personal belongings in the common spaces of Share house, such as the entrance. Shoes, umbrellas, etc. should be stored away and be careful not to mix them up with other residents' belongings or leave the entranceway cluttered.

Living room(common space)

The following house rules have been established for the Living room.

Example of house rules for Living room

  • ● Do not leave personal items behind.
  • ● Do not sleep on the sofa etc.
  • ● Stay quiet after 11pm.
  • ●Turn off the TV and air conditioner when leaving the Living room

Taking a nap in the Living room is a violation of etiquette, as it reduces the space available to other residents. Also, even if you arrive earlier than the house rules, try not to make too much noise in the Living room, as it may disturb other residents.


Examples of house rules in the kitchen include:

Example of house rules for the kitchen

  • ● Do not leave tableware unattended after use; clean up immediately.
  • ● Write names on food in the refrigerator.
  • ● Do not eat food purchased by other residents without permission.
  • ● Do not leave expired food unattended.

As other residents may purchase the same food, the general rule is to write your name on it to avoid confusion. Also, if the times when you want to use the kitchen overlap, try to compromise and use the kitchen.

washing machine

There are often rules regarding when laundry should be done and how the washing machine should be used.

Example of house rules for washing machines

  • ● Take out your clothes immediately after washing.
  • ● Do not use the washing machine at night as it makes noise.
  • ● If you run out of detergent or fabric softener, replenish it according to the appropriate procedure.
  • ● Write down on the board in advance so that the washing machine usage time does not overlap.
  • ● Clean the dust from the washing machine after each use.
  • ● Washing items shared by residents will be done in shifts.
  • ● Do not dry underwear in common areas.

Each resident may have different sensibilities and common sense when it comes to how to use a washing machine or how to wash shared items, which can lead to problems. Therefore, rules such as those mentioned above are often established. The washing machine is shared, so please be considerate of the time and cleanliness so that all residents can use it comfortably.

Water areas such as toilets and washrooms

There are also rules regarding how to use toilets and washrooms to prevent trouble.

Example of house rules for toilets and washrooms

  • ● When you run out of toilet paper, replenish it according to the appropriate rules.
  • ● Be sure to flush the toilet after using it.
  • ● Don't take toilet paper with you
  • ● Prepare your own amenities and take them back to your private room after using them.
  • ● Dispose of hair in drains yourself.
  • ● Do not bring shared items (hair dryer, etc.) into your room.
  • ● Do not leave it submerged in water.
  • ● Be sure to turn on the ventilation fan when using it.
  • ● Do not stay in the toilet or washroom for too long.

There may be detailed rules, but they are all set to ensure that residents can use each other comfortably. Basically, there is no problem as long as you are considerate of other residents. After you use it, it is a good idea to be sure to clean the surrounding area, dirt in the drain, and any fallen hair.


In Share house, the following house rules may be set for the Bathroom.

Example of Bathroom house rules

    • ● Maximum usage time per time is 30 minutes.
    • ● Make reservations for bathing when it is crowded.
    • ● Clean the hair in the drain after each use.

    In Share house, usage times are generally set so that multiple people can take a bath smoothly. You may also make a reservation for a bath by writing your name on a whiteboard.


    In a Share house, in addition to private bedrooms, there are shared bedrooms such as dormitories and semi-private rooms. There are no strict rules for private rooms, but the following house rules may be established for shared rooms.

    Examples of house rules for the bedroom

    • ● Do not leave personal items anywhere other than on the bed or on the shelves around it.
    • ● Do not leave lights or air conditioners on.

    When sharing a room, be careful not to spread out your personal belongings too much to ensure each other's private space. Also, even if it is not specified in the rules, it is important to be considerate, such as not turning on the lights when the tenant in the same room is sleeping first.

    Private room

    Just because it's a private room doesn't mean there are no rules.

    Example of private room rules

    • ● Consider the loudness of the noise.
    • ● Do not hit the walls or floor or make loud noises.
    • ● Do not make phone calls late at night.
    • ● Use earphones when watching TV late at night.
    • ● Keep valuables in a private room.
    • ● Clean regularly and use the equipment cleanly to avoid accumulating trash.
    • ● Always turn off the lights when the room is not in use.
    • ● Do not bring in items with strong odors.

    Even though it's a private room, the distance between neighboring rooms in a Share house is close, making it easy for noise and vibrations to pass through. Please follow the rules and etiquette and be considerate of other residents.

    Human relations/manners

    When living in the same house as other people and living in a Share house, it is essential to maintain good relationships with the tenants. In order to maintain moderation and manners and live a trouble-free life, it is necessary to follow the rules set regarding human relationships and manners.

    Examples of rules regarding human relationships and manners

    • ● Do not lend or borrow money.
    • ● We do not make any solicitations.
    • ● Be considerate of each other's privacy (do not take unauthorized photos or upload on SNS)
    • ● Do not cause trouble due to romantic feelings.

    Lending and borrowing money is likely to lead to trouble later on. We recommend that you never lend or borrow money, no matter how close your relationship is. Also, please refrain from soliciting other residents. There is a risk of trouble if clear consent has not been obtained, and even if consent has been obtained.
    Furthermore, consideration must be given to each other's privacy. Do not do anything that violates privacy, such as taking photos or posting them on SNS without permission. Similarly, causing trouble due to romantic feelings can also be a violation of privacy. Please follow the rules regarding interpersonal relationships and manners, and avoid causing trouble to other residents.

    Other rules

    Share house have rules in addition to the house rules set for each location. Below, we will introduce three examples, so please check them out as well.


    In some Share house, it may be prohibited to invite anyone other than the tenant into the room to prevent crime and noise. However, there are Share house that do not completely prohibit visits by friends and lovers, but allow visits by relatives. Also, in women-only Share house, only men are allowed to visit. Some Share house do not allow even relatives to enter, so if you are thinking of inviting someone to your room, we recommend that you check the rules before moving in.

    playing musical instruments

    Some people may want to practice playing a musical instrument at home. However, in Share house, playing musical instruments is generally prohibited to prevent noise. If you would like to play an instrument, we recommend choosing a Share house that is equipped with a soundproof room or studio. These types of Share house attract music-loving residents, so you might be able to find like-minded friends.


    In most Share house, smoking is prohibited in order to prevent odors from permeating other residents' personal belongings and common spaces. There may be residents with weak lungs or bronchi, so smoking rules must be especially strictly observed. However, some Share house have designated smoking areas or allow smoking on the balcony or rooftop, so if you are a smoker, choose one of these properties.


    Mail addressed to the Share house is basically sent to the property, so it will arrive at the property's Mailbox. Items and packages delivered to the property's Mailbox can be received by any resident, with the exception of some items that can only be received by the resident. However, you must not open someone's mail or packages without permission. This may violate your privacy and may lead to trouble. Also, if you receive mail that is not addressed to you, please be responsible for handing it over to the recipient. Whatever the reason, if you keep mail addressed to another tenant for a long time, it may be misunderstood. To prevent problems, please be careful when handling mail.

    What if I violate the rules of the Share house?

    We have introduced the rules of Share house so far, but you may be wondering what will happen if you break these rules. Even if you violate the house rules, you will only receive a verbal or posted warning at first, so if it is not intentional, there will be no problem as long as you are careful next time.

    However, if you ignore these warnings and continue to violate the rules, you may end up being evicted. To avoid this, check the house rules in advance and choose a Share house that has rules that suit you.

    If by any chance you find a tenant who is not following the rules, it is important to first notify the tenant directly. It will be easier to convince the tenant if they understand that a clear rule known to all residents has been broken. You will be more persuasive if you get attention from other residents besides yourself.

    Even if the person violates the rules without realizing it, you can make them aware by directly informing them. If there is no improvement even after you tell the person, we recommend that you consult with the management company. If tenants try to resolve the issue between themselves, the problem may worsen. Please ask the operating company to take appropriate action.

    When choosing a Share house, be sure to check the rules carefully.

    What did you think. Share house rules are rules for living set by the management company and tenants. With a variety of residents living together, it is essential to follow house rules in order to avoid trouble and live comfortably.

    Examples of common house rules include not leaving personal items in common spaces and not making noise at night. At XROSS HOUSE, we explain the house rules at a preliminary briefing session before moving in. If you would like to clearly check the rules before moving in, please search for a property on this site.

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