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Is living in a shared house comfortable? We investigate the reality

Last Modified:2024.04.15

We will explain the different types of share houses and how comfortable they are to live in. We will also touch on the advantages and disadvantages of share houses and introduce some tips on how to choose one. This is a guide to finding a comfortable share house.

Share house living comfort

A share house is a rental property where multiple people can use shared spaces while still having their own private space.

Many people are interested in share houses, but wonder what it's actually like to live there.

In this article, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of shared houses, as well as what it is like to live in one, for those who are considering living in one.

We will also introduce some points to consider when viewing the property, so please read to the end.

What is a share house?

A share house is a rental property where multiple people share one home, and all common areas such as the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and toilet are shared except for private rooms.

Share houses are operated using a variety of properties, including detached houses, condominiums, apartments, company housing, and dormitories.

They range in size from intimate properties with just four or five people to large properties with several dozen people, and are generally run and maintained by a management company.

When sharing a room, you often live with friends or acquaintances, whereas in a shared house you usually live with people you've never met before.

Another feature is that initial costs and monthly living expenses are lower than living alone or sharing a room.

For those looking to meet new people, a share house is the ideal rental property.

Types of share houses

There are many different types of share houses. We will introduce the main types of share houses.

Types of share houses

  • Community Type
  • Concept type
  • Price-conscious
  • High-grade type
  • Privacy-oriented
Community-type share houses frequently hold events and social gatherings in shared spaces and value interaction and communication between residents.

Concept-based apartments recruit residents based on a specific theme or lifestyle, and are characterized by bringing together members with common interests and values.

Price-conscious properties prioritize economic aspects and aim to provide living space at low cost while providing the bare minimum of facilities.

The high-grade share house comes with high-quality living space and comprehensive facilities, making it ideal for those who want a high-quality lifestyle.

Private living is a type of share house chosen by people who value personal space and privacy, and who prefer a quiet environment where they can concentrate easily.

The pros and cons of living in a shared house

Now that you have an idea of ​​what a share house is like, let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages that affect how comfortable it will be to live there.

Benefits of a share house

There are many benefits to living in a shared house.
The main benefits are summarized below:

Benefits of a share house

  • Reduce housing costs

  • No need to pay for utilities or internet connection

  • Furniture and appliances are provided

  • Communicate with residents

  • Expand your network

Even if you are normally busy, you can move in smoothly, as there is no need to go through complicated procedures or prepare furniture and appliances from scratch.

Other attractive features include lower overall living expenses and the opportunity to interact with roommates.

Taking these things into consideration, some people may feel that living in a shared house would be more comfortable than living alone.

Disadvantages of a share house

Shared houses have many benefits as a form of housing where multiple people live together, but they also have some disadvantages.

Disadvantages of a share house

  • Living noises can be a concern
  • You need to be careful with your personal belongings
  • There are times when you cannot use the facilities because they are being used by others.
  • There may be cases where your values ​​and lifestyle do not match those of other residents.
  • Some properties have strict rules

Considering these disadvantages, it is clear that whether or not a place is comfortable to live in depends on the relationships you have with others.

We will discuss measures to avoid problems later.

How is it to live in a share house?

Share house living comfort

There are several issues that threaten the comfort of living in a shared house.

So, what kind of things do people who live in shared houses do to make their lives more comfortable?

I will explain this from three perspectives.

Are there any rules?

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of living in a shared house, some people may be concerned that, "I'm happy to reduce my financial burden, but I want to avoid any problems with other tenants."

You can reduce the risk of encountering such troubles by following the rules established by the share house. Some people may find it troublesome to decide on rules, but in most cases, these are decided and can be confirmed before moving in.

So, what kind of rules are there in a share house? Here are some examples.

Share house rules

(*These are just examples, and may vary depending on the property and company.)

  • Keep quiet from late night to early morning
  • Label food in the shared refrigerator with names
  • Decide the time to use the bath, etc.
  • Use of facilities is by reservation only
  • No third party visits allowed
  • Pay your rent on time
  • Don't leave things lying around
  • Do not enter other residents' spaces

Rules vary depending on the property and management company, but if all these detailed rules are decided, you will find living there comfortable.

Any trouble with residents?

In order to make the area more comfortable to live in, it is essential to avoid any problems with residents at all costs.
However, living in a shared house is different from living alone, and there is always a chance that trouble will occur.

So, let's look at some examples of problems and how to solve them.

Trouble 1: Theft

If you leave your personal belongings in the common areas of a share house, there is a risk that they will be stolen.

To prevent theft, keep your belongings in your room instead of leaving them in shared spaces.
Additionally, living in a property that has surveillance cameras and lockers with locks can also help prevent theft.
One option is to write your name on it so you know it's yours.

Trouble 2: Noise

Even though there are separate rooms in a shared house, multiple people still live under the same roof, so noise can be more of a concern than if you lived alone.

So, how can we solve this problem?

For example, you can avoid trouble by choosing a share house that has rules regarding noise, such as speaking in a low voice or turning off the lights late at night.

Another effective measure is to take measures yourself, such as covering walls with soundproofing sheets.

Problem 3: Waiting in line in shared spaces

Shared spaces such as bathrooms and kitchens are used by other people, so you may not be able to use them whenever you like.

Having to wait in line can disrupt your daily routine and cause stress.

The use of shared spaces requires that usage times be set and reservations be made. In order to ensure that residents can use the shared spaces comfortably, be sure to check the rules in advance and abide by them when using them.

In a small shared house, you may be able to get by by being considerate of others, but in medium or large shared houses, it may not be so easy.

To avoid disrupting your daily routine, set rules for shared spaces.

In the case of Cross House, some properties have reservation boards in the shower rooms so that you can reserve the time you want to use in advance. Also, the shower usage time per person is limited to about 30 minutes.

Trouble #4: Differences in values

In a share house, people with different values ​​and lifestyles come together and live.
Therefore, some people may feel that they are not compatible with each other.
This can lead to stress and problems.

If a problem occurs, how should you deal with it?
First of all, you need to create a forum for discussion between the residents.
Frustration and stress will not be conveyed unless you express it verbally.
Sometimes, when you talk to the other person, they will listen to you readily and you can resolve the problem smoothly.

Also, if you want to avoid any trouble altogether, be sure to check the relationships between tenants when you view the property.
However, there will always be people you don't get along with, so it's important to accept it sometimes.
By being considerate of each other, we can avoid major problems.

Can you secure private time?

Share house living comfort

Some people may think that it is difficult to ensure privacy since everyone shares a room.
However, in most shared houses, each person is assigned their own room.
This means you can have private time whenever you want in your own room.

In a share house, you can use the shared spaces when you want to talk to people, and stay in your own room when you want to enjoy some private time.
Use it according to your mood and enjoy a comfortable shared house life.

Important points to consider when viewing a share house

When choosing a shared house, it is important to research the types and costs, as well as consider the surrounding area and accessibility of the property.

By actually viewing the property, you can get a feel for the lifestyle and atmosphere of the residents that cannot be conveyed through photos and descriptions alone. Here are some points to look out for when viewing a share house.

Points to note when viewing the property

  • Support system of the operating company
  • Resident atmosphere
  • Share house rules
In addition to the points mentioned above, the cleanliness and convenience of the shared spaces are also important points to check. Observe whether the kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc. are well-equipped and easy to use.

By taking a closer look at the current state of the facilities, especially the plumbing and home appliances, you can avoid any inconveniences later on. By checking these things comprehensively, you can find a share house that is more comfortable to live in.

Enjoy a comfortable life in a cozy share house

In this article, we have explained the different types of share houses and what it is like to live in one, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of living in a share house.

Check out the points to consider when choosing a share house in advance and find a great share house that suits you. Live in a comfortable share house and enjoy a comfortable life.

Cross House offers a wide range of share houses, mainly in central Tokyo, with rent starting from the 20,000 yen range. If you are looking for a comfortable share house, please feel free to contact us.

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