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Are share houses really cheap? Explanation of market rent prices and living costs

Last Modified:2023.12.17


Are share houses really cheap? Explanation of market rent prices and living costs One of the appeals of share houses is that you can keep costs such as rent and living costs down.
However, many people may be concerned about whether the rent in a shared house is really cheaper compared to living in a regular rental apartment.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain whether share houses are really cheap, along with the general rent market price in the Tokyo area.
If you are considering a new life in a share house, please refer to this article.

If you are looking for a share house in Tokyo, please contact us on LINE. Add friend

Are share houses really cheap?

Rent for shared houses in the Tokyo area can be said to be cheaper than rental properties such as apartments and condominiums.

Comparing the average rent prices for general rentals and shared houses in the 23 wards of Tokyo, the average rent for general rentals is 82,000 yen per month, while the monthly price for shared houses is 58,000 yen .

Therefore, if you want to live in a rented house in the Tokyo area and keep the rent low, a share house is one option.

Reference site: "How much is the rent for a shared house? How much cheaper is it than normal rental?"

Share house rent cheap

Shared house rent market price in the Tokyo area

Next, we will introduce the average rent price for share houses in the Tokyo area.
Although it is simply a share house, the average rent varies depending on the type of property.

The table below is a list of rent prices for shared houses in the Tokyo area by property type.

[By type] Comparison table of share house rent prices

(*This is an average example. Details vary depending on the contracted management company.)

Share house type


monthly rent

(Includes common service fee)

Private room Private bedroom 58,000 yen
semi-private Two people use one room (with partition) 51,000 yen
shared room Two people use one room (no partition) 47,000 yen
compartment Multiple people can use one room (with partitions) 46,000 yen
Dormitory type One room is used by multiple people (several bunk beds are installed, and the only private space is above the bed) 41,000 yen

The rent for a shared house tends to be higher the more private space you have.

In other words, the cheaper the rent, the less private space you will have, so consider the balance between your budget and desires when choosing a property.

If you are looking for a share house in Tokyo, please contact us on LINE. Add friend

4 costs you can keep down by living in a share house

Living in the Tokyo area, where living costs are high, there are many people who would like to keep costs as low as possible.
Apart from being able to keep your monthly rent low, living in a shared house has other benefits in terms of cost.

Here we will introduce four costs that can be reduced by living in a shared house.

Share house rent cheap

Expenses ➀ Utilities and Internet usage fees

Utility fees and internet connection fees are included in the common expenses of the share house, so there is no need to pay them separately.

Some management companies have a method of splitting the utility costs between the tenants, so be sure to check this when making your inquiry.

If you were to live alone in a regular rental property, in addition to the property's common expenses, you would have to pay about 10,000 yen a month for utilities, internet usage fees, and the cost of purchasing daily necessities.

On the other hand, if you live in a shared house, you only have to pay a common service fee of around 15,000 yen every month, which not only covers utilities and internet usage fees, but also daily necessities and cleaning costs for the common areas.

In other words, by living in a shared house, you can end up lowering your utility bills and internet usage fees compared to living in a regular rental house.

Expenses ② Purchase costs of daily necessities

The cost of purchasing daily consumables such as toilet paper, soap, and dish detergent in the common areas is also covered by the common area fee, so if you live in a shared house, you can keep these purchase costs low.

Please note that you must purchase daily necessities that only you use, such as shampoo and seasonings, by yourself.

Expenses ③ Purchase costs of furniture and home appliances

The common areas of share houses are pre-installed with home appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators, and microwaves, as well as furniture such as tables and chairs.

Therefore, there is no need to purchase new furniture and home appliances when starting a new life, and you can also expect to have the effect of keeping moving costs low.

Cost④Initial cost

When moving into a shared house, initial costs can be kept low because there are no security deposits, key money, or brokerage fees that are required when moving into a general rental property such as an apartment or condominium.

Shared houses generally require advance payment of rent and common area fees, and an initial fee of around 30,000 to 50,000 yen (treated as key money).
The total of these initial costs can be said to be quite reasonable compared to general rentals such as apartments and condominiums.

If you are looking for a share house in Tokyo, please contact us on LINE. Add friend

Compare the costs required for shared houses and regular rental properties

Next, we will use a simulation of specific costs in the Tokyo area to compare the differences in costs between shared houses and regular rental properties.

Please see below for initial costs and living cost simulations for common share houses and rentals in the Tokyo area.

Comparison table of initial costs when moving in [Tokyo area]

(*This is an average example. Details vary depending on the contracted management company.)

breakdown In the case of a shared house In the case of an apartment
Rent (including common area fees) 58,000 yen 82,000 yen
Security money/key money/deposit 30,000 yen

(*Most cases are key money)
164,000 yen
Brokerage fee none 82,000 yen
Advance rent (common charges included) Occurs on a daily basis 82,000 yen
Guarantee company usage fee (initial guarantee fee) none

(*Depending on the share house company, it may cost around 15,000 yen.)
25,000 yen
fire insurance premium none 15,000 yen
key replacement fee none 15,000 yen
total 88,000 yen 465,000 yen

Monthly living cost comparison table [Tokyo area]

(*This is an average example. Details vary depending on the contracted management company.)


In the case of a shared house

In the case of an apartment

Rent (including common area fees) 58,000 yen 82,000 yen
Water and utility costs none

(*Included in common charge)
¥ 10,000
Daily necessities 2,000 yen

(*Shared consumables are provided)
5,000 yen
Communication expenses 7,000 yen

(*The share house has WiFi, so only personal cell phone usage fees apply)
12,000 yen
Other expenses (food expenses, medical expenses, entertainment expenses, etc.) 80,000 yen 80,000 yen
total 147,000 yen 189,000 yen

As you can see from the simulation, there is a big difference in cost between a shared house and a regular rental house.

When starting a new life in the Tokyo area, there is a difference of about 300,000 yen in initial costs and about 40,000 yen in monthly living expenses.
If you lived there for one year, the difference between the two would be over 500,000 yen, so if you are looking to save on various expenses, why not consider living in a shared house?

If you are looking for a share house in Tokyo, please contact us on LINE. Add friend

Points to note when living in a share house

Shared houses are attractive because they have many advantages, including low cost, but there are some points you should be aware of when considering moving in.

If any of the points below apply to you, we recommend that you carefully consider living in a shared house.

Cases in which share house living is not suitable

  • I want to avoid sharing toilets and baths

  • I don't want to interact with other people

  • I don't want to break my pace

  • I'm concerned about the details

In a share house, you are expected to live together with other people.
If you want to go at your own pace without worrying about others, consider living in a regular apartment or condominium, while keeping in mind the balance with costs.

However, some share houses (= ``shared apartment'' type) have completely private rooms with locks, and only the water facilities are shared with other residents.
If you want your own space but find the rent in a standard rental apartment too expensive, this shared house type is recommended.

If you are interested, please see the "Shared Apartment" introduction page.

How to find a share house with good cost performance

Choosing a property is very important in order to start a satisfying new life.
Please refer to the following for tips on finding a share house with excellent cost performance.

Tips for choosing a share house with high cost performance

  • Emphasize the facilities and cleanliness of common areas

  • Check the share house concept

  • Determine whether the owner and management company can be trusted

  • Get a feel for the actual atmosphere during a preview

The first step in finding a share house is a web search.
Once you have found a few properties that interest you, contact the management company and decide on a property, taking into account the points mentioned above.

For a new life in the Tokyo area, a share house is recommended as it can keep costs low.

What did you think.
This time, we answered the question, "Are share houses really cheap?"
In the Tokyo area, there are differences in the initial cost of moving in and monthly living costs between shared houses and general rentals such as apartments and condominiums.
Therefore, a share house is recommended for those considering a new life in Tokyo, where the cost of living tends to be particularly high.

At XROSS HOUSE, we offer a large number of affordable share house properties mainly in the Tokyo area.
If there is a property you are interested in, please feel free to contact us.

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