• About share house

Share house tenancy screening process and points for passing

Last Modified:2023.12.17


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Some people who are considering moving into a share house may be wondering, ``I want to know if an examination is required in order to move in.''

When starting a new life, you may be concerned about whether or not there will be a tenancy screening.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain whether or not there is an examination when moving into a share house, the process, and points to be observed during the examination.
If you are considering a share house, please read to the end.

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What is the entrance examination?

What is tenant screening?

A tenancy screening is an examination used by a landlord to determine whether they can rent the property to the tenant with peace of mind.

The purpose of screening is to avoid the risk of people moving in who are concerned about not paying rent or causing problems with other residents.

Tenant screening is generally conducted by the property's landlord or real estate company.
However, if you are unable to find a relative who can act as a guarantor due to certain circumstances, the rent guarantee company may conduct a tenancy screening.

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Tenancy screening for general rental properties

Tenancy screening for general rental properties is primarily conducted from the perspective of whether the tenant has the ability to pay the rent.

The following are examples of specific points that are checked during the tenant screening.

An example of points checked during the entrance examination

  • Place of work

  • annual income

  • Length of service

  • Employment status

  • Relationship with joint guarantor

  • Occupation and income of joint guarantor

As mentioned above, the tenant screening for general rental properties mainly checks whether the tenant has the ability to continue paying rent and there is no risk of delinquency.

Please note that the required period is approximately 1 to 2 weeks, and once you have passed the required period, you will finally be able to move on to the procedure for moving in.

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Is there an entrance examination for shared houses?

Share house tenant screening

Shared houses also have a tenant screening process, but there are some differences compared to regular rental properties.

Tenant screening for general rental properties is carried out by either the landlord, real estate company, or rent guarantee company, while in the case of shared houses, the main body that carries out the tenancy screening is the management company of the shared house.
Therefore, the period required for screening tends to be shorter than that for general rental properties.

Also, because shared houses are characterized by multiple people living together, the points checked during the tenant screening are different.

Furthermore, the turnover of tenants is more rapid than in general rental properties, and the rate of passing the tenant screening is also high.
Therefore, even if you are unable to pass the entrance examination for a regular rental property due to employment status or other reasons, there is a possibility that you will be able to pass the entrance examination for a shared house.

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Procedures and required documents before and after tenant screening for a share house

So, how does the screening process for share houses actually take place?
Here we will explain the process before and after the tenant screening for a share house, as well as the required documents.

Generally, the process before and after the tenant screening for a share house is as follows.

Flow before and after share house tenancy screening

  • If you find a property you are interested in, contact the management company.

  • View the share house and complete the application procedure (contracts without viewing are also possible)

  • Submit documents for admission screening

  • After passing the examination, proceed with the contract procedure.

  • move in

The number of days required for tenancy screening is between three days and one week, which tends to be shorter than tenancy screening for general rental properties.

Please refer to the documents below for the documents required for the share house screening.

Documents required for admission screening

  • Identification

  • application

Depending on the property, you may be required to have a joint guarantor or join a rent guarantee company.

In cases where a joint guarantor is required, in addition to the required documents listed above, documents proving the joint guarantor's income will also be required.
In addition, in cases where it is necessary to join a rent guarantee company, you will need to submit additional documents required by the rent guarantee company.

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Two points checked during the share house tenancy screening

Share house points

What kind of points are checked during the share house tenant screening?

From here, we will introduce the important points during the share house tenancy screening, as well as tips to help you pass the screening easily.

Point 1: Cooperation

The main difference between a shared house and a regular rental property is that multiple people live together.

For this reason, during the tenant screening process, a particular focus is placed on whether or not the applicant is cooperative, from the viewpoint of whether the applicant can live without causing trouble with others.

Share house management companies make comprehensive judgments about the tenants' personalities through interactions during property viewings and application procedures.
Therefore, when communicating with a share house management company, you should keep the following points in mind.

Points to keep in mind during the entrance examination

  • Greet comfortably

  • answer with a smile

  • take care of your appearance

  • look in the eyes and listen

  • Meet document submission deadlines

Please note that some share houses have an interview as part of the tenant screening process.

If you have an interview, you can be sure that the question ``why you are moving'' will always be asked.
This is done to check whether the tenant has been in arrears with rent or has had trouble with other tenants in the past.

Additionally, if the property has a concept such as ``women only'' or ``shared house for entrepreneurs,'' the interview will also check whether the property matches the concept.

Point ② Income

Income is also a major checkpoint when screening for a share house.

However, unlike in general rental properties, employment status and years of service are not checked in detail, and the only thing that is checked is whether you have enough income to pay the rent.

Therefore, even employment types such as freelancers and part-timers, which tend to be difficult to pass the entrance examination for general rental properties, have a high possibility of passing.

In order to increase the chances of passing the screening for freelancers and part-time workers, it is a good idea to actively emphasize the amount of income rather than the content of the work.

In addition, even if you are currently looking for a job or are not employed, you may be able to pass the screening if you can prepare the initial costs and have a bank balance above a certain level.
In this case, it would be a good idea to clarify things like ``how many companies you are interviewing with'' and ``by when you plan to start work'' and then inform the company that operates the share house.

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Share houses are screened based on cooperativeness and income.

What did you think.

This time, we introduced the existence and flow of tenant screening for share houses, as well as the points to be checked.

Shared houses also have a tenant screening process, but the points to be seen and the required period of time are different from those for regular rental properties.
Therefore, even if you cannot pass the screening for general rental properties, there is a possibility that you will pass the screening for a shared house.
Cooperativeness and income are particularly important points during the tenant screening.

At XROSS HOUSE, we have properties that require you to join a rent guarantee company and properties that do not, so you can choose according to your situation.
If there is a property you are interested in, please feel free to contact us.

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