• About share house

What kind of troubles can occur in a share house? Introducing specific examples and solutions

Last Modified:2024.01.05

Some people who are thinking about moving into a Share house may be worried that they might run into trouble. This article introduces examples of problems and solutions.


Some people who are thinking of moving into a Share house may be worried that they may run into trouble because there are shared spaces in a Share house. You want to know in advance what kind of problems may occur.

Therefore, in this article, we will introduce the problems that can occur when moving into a Share house and how to deal with them. If you have any concerns about moving into a Share house, please refer to this page.

What kind of troubles can occur in a Share house?

In a Share house, you live with other people, so even the smallest thing can turn into an unexpected problem. We will introduce the types of problems that may occur below, so please refer to them.

Trouble ① Noise problem

Noise is one of the problems that often occur in Share house. For example, if you have a resident who turns on the TV or music at high volume, or sets off an alarm early in the morning or late at night, you may be bothered by the noise.

Also, household noises such as doors opening and closing and footsteps may be bothersome for people who are sensitive to noise. Therefore, if you live in a Share house, there is a good chance that you will suffer from noise problems.

However, noise problems in Share house are easier to resolve than in condominiums or apartments. This is because it is relatively easy to understand who the resident is and what kind of lifestyle they lead, and there is a high possibility that the problem can be resolved through direct discussion.

In addition, at XROSS HOUSE , which operates and manages Share house , we have taken measures such as prohibiting the use of washers and dryers from midnight to 7 a.m. Therefore, if there is an environment where residents can talk with each other, and if the management company has taken measures to prevent noise, there is no need to worry too much about noise problems.

Trouble ② Violation of etiquette in common spaces

Common spaces in Share house can be a place where problems can easily occur, as residents have to compromise on their use.

Among shared spaces, things like baths, toilets, and kitchens can lead to problems if you are unable to use them when you want. For example, if one person uses the bath or toilet for a long time, other residents will have to wait, and the person making them wait may not be able to relax because they are worried about the other residents.

The same can also be said when using shared equipment such as refrigerators, Microwave, and washing machines. Specifically, cases include cases where food kept in the refrigerator was eaten by other residents, and cases where many people used washing machines on weekends and were unable to wash their clothes.

However, since these problems are anticipated in advance by the operating company, in most cases countermeasures are taken by establishing rules. For example, at XROSS HOUSE, we have taken measures such as installing reservation boards for shower rooms to avoid crowding in common spaces.

If the management company properly manages the shared space and residents follow the rules, it will be possible to avoid trouble, so there is no need to worry too much.

Trouble ③ Problems caused by lending and borrowing money

In a Share house, there is a possibility of financial troubles between residents. This is because residents are close to each other, making it easy to lend and borrow money, and to leave wallets and valuables in common spaces.

There is no guarantee that the resident will repay the borrowed money, and there is no guarantee that the property will not be stolen, so if you are not careful, it can lead to trouble. Therefore, we recommend that you set rules in advance, such as not lending or borrowing money and keeping your valuables at your own risk.

Trouble ④ Crimes such as theft, harassment, and fraud

In a Share house, there is not only the possibility of financial troubles, but also the possibility of crimes such as theft of personal property, harassment, and fraud. Reasons for this include the fact that residents are close to each other in a Share house, making it easy to let down one's guard, and the fact that it is a closed space.

For example, if you forget to lock your room or leave your belongings in common spaces, you increase the risk of your belongings being stolen. In addition, similar to problems with refrigerators, it is also common for other residents to find out that their food left in the common area has been eaten. Remember that other residents can enter and exit common spaces, so don't forget to take security measures.

Additionally, women are at a higher risk of being victims of harassment, and may also be victims of eavesdropping and secret filming. Some operating companies have measures to prevent harassment and even offer Share house exclusively for women, so if you are unsure, it would be a good idea to do some research in advance.

Additionally, residents may make business or religious offers. Because Share house are closed spaces, some people are unable to decline offers and end up falling victim to scams.

Therefore, at our company, XROSS HOUSE, we have enhanced customer support so that residents can live with peace of mind, and house supporters and House viewing staff patrol the Share house. Furthermore, in order to improve the environment within the Share house, we have established criteria for screening roommates to ensure that residents can live safely.

If the operating company performs such safety management and patrols, there is no need to worry too much about crime.

Trouble ⑤ Problems due to cultural differences

Living in a Share house with many foreign students can lead to problems due to cultural differences. For example, you may not be able to follow the rules regarding how to use common spaces, or you may not be able to communicate effectively due to a language barrier.

However, Share house with foreign residents are also popular because they allow for international exchange and language study. If you are thinking of choosing a Share house like this for the purpose of international exchange, it would be a good idea to ask the management company in advance whether they have taken measures to prevent problems.

Also, having the management company announce the rules to residents will reduce the chances of problems. From the above, if you live in a Share house with foreigners, there is a possibility that problems may arise due to cultural differences, but if you are thinking about international exchange, we recommend giving it a try.

Trouble ⑥ Violation of rules by guests

In Share house that allow visitors, there are cases where troubles occur due to visits from residents' acquaintances. For example, if you do not notify other residents in advance that you have a visitor, or if the visitor does not know the rules in the Share house. This is because it can be stressful for residents if strangers suddenly appear in common spaces or visitors break the rules.

Some Share house do not allow visitors to come to avoid trouble. There are also various rules, such as prohibiting guests from staying overnight and only allowing them to use the common spaces during the day. If residents follow the rules for visitors, they can avoid trouble, but since visitors are not familiar with the rules, trouble is more likely to occur than usual.

Trouble ⑦ Troubles caused by not following rules such as housework duties and bath order

If some residents do not follow the rules set in the common space, it may lead to trouble. For example, there may be a case where some residents do not clean the common spaces, despite the rules requiring residents to take turns cleaning the common spaces.

Because the cleaners are not doing their job, the common spaces become increasingly dirty, which eventually leads to trouble with other residents. Also, in Share house, there are often rules such as the order in which people take baths. However, if there is even one resident who does not follow the rules, it becomes meaningless and causes problems such as disorder.

How to deal with troubles that occur in a Share house

So far, we have introduced some troubles that may occur in a Share house. So, what should you do if these problems occur? Please refer to the information below on how to troubleshoot the issue.

Examples of troubleshooting methods

    • ● Decide on the rules
    • ● Take soundproofing measures
    • ● Thoroughly manage valuables.
    • ●Consult with the Share house management company
    • ● Consult with a public institution or local government consultation center.

Establish clear rules within the Share house and make them known to all residents.

First of all, it is important to set clear rules within the Share house. By setting clear rules and making them known to all residents, you can prevent problems such as bad manners in common spaces, noise, and theft.

In most cases, the rules within a Share house are determined in advance by the Share house management company. If the management company of a Share house has set clear rules, it can be assumed that the residents agree to the rules and move in, so there is less chance of any trouble occurring. We recommend that you carefully check the rules within the Share house before moving in.

Take soundproofing measures

In a Share house, even the slightest noises such as the TV or people talking can lead to noise problems. It is best to use soundproofing measures whenever possible. Especially late at night or early in the morning, sounds that would normally not bother you may be perceived as noise. Please be considerate of the volume of noise and voices so as not to disturb the lives of other residents.

You can counteract the noise that inevitably occurs in your home by using soundproofing products. Specifically, we recommend using soundproof mats that absorb footsteps, etc., and soundproof curtains that prevent sound leakage from inside the room. If you can choose the location of the room, you can also take soundproofing measures by choosing a room at the end.

Never leave valuables in common spaces and keep them strictly in your room.

Never leave valuables in common spaces and keep them in your room. Common spaces are areas that other residents can access. When you are in a shared space, you must take care of your valuables and do not leave them unattended.

If valuables left in the shared space are stolen, the first suspect will be other residents staying in the same Share house. Even if you don't actually steal something, there is a high possibility that it will lead to trouble, so we recommend that you always keep your wallet, bankbook, seal, etc. in your room. It will be safer if you store it securely in a locked shelf or safe.

If you cannot resolve the issue by taking measures or discussing it yourself, consult the operating company.

If you are unable to resolve the issue despite taking measures and discussions on your own, please contact the Share house management company. A company that manages many properties has many opportunities to deal with problems between residents, so they can be resolved smoothly.

Having the management company intervene also has the advantage of making it less likely that the problem will worsen. Additionally, if there is a clear violation of the rules, the management company can take some action against the resident who violates the rules. If you live in a Share house with detailed rules and clear measures for breaking the rules, you are less likely to run into trouble.

If you are involved in criminal activity, consult the police or a lawyer.

If you are involved in a criminal act such as theft, do not try to resolve the matter yourself; instead, do not hesitate to consult public authorities such as the police or a lawyer. When people try to resolve the issue between themselves, things tend to get complicated, and there are many cases where things get worse or cannot be resolved.

If there is little damage, you may be worried about whether the matter is worth consulting with a public institution. However, if there is any criminal activity, no matter how small, it is better to consult a public institution. If you don't consult with them, it could lead to big trouble later on. If you are in doubt, it would be a good idea to contact the operating company first.

Trouble at a Share house can be dealt with by following the rules and consulting with the management company.

What did you think. There are various types of trouble that can occur in a shared house, from violations of rules such as noise and how to use common spaces, to crimes such as theft and harassment. Repeated violations of rules and etiquette may lead to interpersonal problems, so be sure to check the rules with the operating company in advance and know how to deal with problems.

XROSS HOUSE offers reasonably priced Share house in popular areas. We also have a full support system for residents, so if you are worried about troubles in Share house, please feel free to contact us.