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5 points to keep in mind when choosing a share house

Last Modified:2023.12.17


How to choose a share house

Some people who are thinking of moving into a shared house may be having trouble because they don't know how to choose a property.
In order to find a property that is comfortable and safe to live in, it is important to keep in mind the key points when choosing one.

In this article, we will introduce how to choose and search for a share house.
If you are thinking of moving into a share house, please read until the end.

If you are looking for a property, please contact us on LINE. Add friend

How to choose a share house

To avoid regrets after moving into a shared house, be sure to choose the property you want to move into carefully.
Below are five points to keep in mind when choosing a share house, so please use them as a reference.

Point 1: Rent/common expenses

The first thing to keep in mind is whether the rent and common area fees for the shared house match your income.
This is because no matter how good the conditions of the property are, if the rent and common area fees are not commensurate with the income, it will be difficult to live a stable life.

The common expenses mentioned here refer to the fees for Wi-Fi in the share house and the expenses for daily necessities used jointly.
The common area fee may or may not include water and utility costs, so be sure to check in advance.

If you live alone, you pay your own water and utility bills each month based on the amount you use that month, but in a shared house, there are a variety of ways to pay for water and utilities, such as a fixed amount each month or split 50/50 between residents each month.

Once you know the rent and common fees, check whether they are appropriate for your income.
Generally speaking, it is considered good if the total amount of rent, common area fees, water and utilities costs is within a range of about one-third of your monthly salary.

By understanding the reasonable rent and costs according to your income, you will be able to live a stable life even after moving into a shared house.

Share house common expenses

Point 2: Location

The next thing to check is whether the share house is located in a location that suits your lifestyle.
The reason for this is that life becomes inconvenient if it takes too much time to commute from the share house to work or school, or if you are unable to buy necessary daily necessities and ingredients right away.

To determine whether the share house is in a good location, check the distance from the share house to the nearest station, how to access your work/school destination from the nearest station, and the travel time.
You can also determine the convenience of living by checking whether there are supermarkets, convenience stores, drug stores, etc. near the share house.

When choosing a share house, you will be able to find a better property by keeping in mind that the place will be your base of life, and taking into account your daily commute to work, school, shopping, etc.

Share house location

Point ③ Equipment

It is also important to understand the facilities of the share house in advance.
This is because if the facilities are not in place, you may have to incur unexpected expenses or you may not be able to enjoy your daily life comfortably.

Share houses have a common space and your own room, so we recommend checking the facilities in both rooms.
For example, in the case of shared spaces, it is extremely important that there are enough toilets, baths, washing machines, etc., and that they are kept clean.
Also, check the number and size of household appliances such as shared refrigerators and microwaves in the kitchen.

When checking the facilities of your room, pay attention to things such as whether there is Wi-Fi, air conditioning, windows, and whether the room is furnished .

Additionally, checking the thinness of the walls in advance can prevent problems after you move in.

By understanding the facilities in both the common space and your own room at the share house, you can avoid feeling a gap in impressions before and after moving in.

Point 4: Management system of the operating company

You should also check the management system of the share house management company in advance.

In addition to handling procedures for residents to move in and move out, the management company may also be responsible for cleaning common spaces, managing equipment, and replenishing supplies.
Therefore, the frequency and quality with which the management company performs these tasks is an issue that is directly linked to the comfort of living in the share house.

Another important point is how the management company will respond when troubles occur between residents of the share house.
Because residents live together every day, trivial things can accumulate and lead to problems.
Please contact the operating company's representative in advance to find out who to contact and what to do if such a problem occurs.

Knowing whether the management company is conducting proper management and operations is an important criterion when choosing a good share house .

Point 5: Number of residents and atmosphere

When looking for a share house, we recommend that you also consider whether the number of residents and the atmosphere suit you .
The reason is that when you move into a share house, you start living together with other people, so if the number of people and the atmosphere match your personality, your daily life will be much more enjoyable and comfortable.

In a small share house, about 3 people live together, and in a large share house, about 100 people live together.
Choosing the size of the share house that suits you will greatly change your lifestyle afterwards, so the number of residents is an important point.

Also, please pay attention to whether the atmosphere of the share house suits you.
For example, if a property has spacious common spaces and is well-equipped, it will be easy for people to gather there.
We recommend that you take a tour of the property and get a feel for the atmosphere before deciding to move in.

From the above, knowing the size, number of people, and atmosphere of the shared house in advance will make it easier to imagine what it will be like to live there, which will be helpful when choosing a property.

If you are looking for a property, please contact us on LINE. Add friend

How to find a share house

So far, we have introduced how to choose a share house.
Do you have some idea of ​​how to choose a property that suits you?

Now that you know how to choose a property, it's time to actually look for a share house.
Basically, you search for a property using the following five steps.

Steps to find a share house
1. Decide on your desired conditions
2. Search for properties on the internet
3. Check property information
Four. Go to preview
Five. Sign a contract after being inspected

Once you have determined your desired conditions, use the Internet to search for a share house.
When looking for a share house, we recommend using the official website of the share house management company.
This is because the management company's website lists the properties it manages, so you can see more accurate and rich property information and interior photos.

When looking at property information, check the number and arrangement of toilets, baths, washing machines, and kitchens, and check whether the environment is comfortable.

One thing to keep in mind is to be sure to take a preview of the property before deciding to move in.
By touring the share house in advance, you can get to know the interior of the share house, the atmosphere of the residents, and the management system of the management company.
By checking this information with your own eyes, you can avoid situations where you feel that the property is different from what you imagined when you actually move in.

Therefore, we recommend that you take a look at the property before deciding to move in, and contact the management company if you have any questions.

If you keep the above points in mind when searching for a share house, you will be able to find a comfortable and safe property that meets your wishes.

Understand how to choose a share house and find the property that meets your desired conditions.

What did you think.
In this article, we introduced how to choose and search for a share house.

When choosing a share house, it is important to decide on your desired conditions such as rent, location, and facilities, and then search for a property that meets those conditions.
Also, check the management system of the management company and how to deal with problems between residents.

Once you have decided on your desired conditions, use the Internet to search for a share house.

"XROSS HOUSE" offers reasonably priced share houses in popular areas.
If you are interested in living in a shared house, please feel free to contact us.

If you are looking for a property, please contact us on LINE. Add friend